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Yoongi was pacing back and forth in his room debating whether he should do his punishment for losing a bet (he's also planning on how he should kill his friends).

"Hyung just do it you lost the bet." Jimin said with a teasing tone.

"I will kill the two of you."Yoongi said with a glare

Jimin and Hoseok just laughed at him.

Yoongi squinted his eyes as he scrolled through his contacts.

Kim Seokjin

Yoongi looked away from his phone and started typing

"Hyung how can you see what you're typing." Hoseok asked.

Yoongi took a quick glance on his phone

사 랑 해 (saranghae = i love you)

"I got it right fucker." Yoongi said then he closed his eyes as clicked send the he threw his phone on his bed and ran straight to the corner of his room.

"Oh my goodness hyung you look weird I should've filmed it, and then it would be like those funny vines. lol." Hoseok said while laughing hard with Jimin.

"Fuck you both I'm gonna kill you." Yoongi said while standing still at the corner of the room.


"Hyung! He replied." Jimin said while reaching out for Yoongi's phone.

"Don't touch it. Fuck I'm so nervous." Yoongi said with fear in his eyes.

"Hyung calm down, damn hyung never knew I'd see you in this kind of state you don't look like the 'cold, emotionless' Min Yoongi everyone knows." Jimin said while walking up to him and dragging him on to his bed.

"Check your phone Yoongi hyung." Hoseok said with a teasing tone.

"Check it! Check it! Check it!" Jimin and Hoseok chanted.

"I hope you guys choke." Yoongi grumbled and took his phone.

Kim Taehyung
damn yoongie hyung i knew it u love me you've just been hiding your feelings for me the whole time ;)

"What the fuck." Yoongi said. He felt like time froze, his world crashed. He questioned his being, his purpose for life, his sanity, dignity, everything he could question so he could find the answer on why did this happened.

Yoongi checked again made sure he got it wrong, but no it was real, he didn't send the text message to the guy he loves, Kim Seokjin, but instead he accidentally sent it to his number one enemy, Kim Taehyung.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT THE HELL DAMN IT NOOOOOOOOOOOO." Yoongi suddenly groaned then he pulled his hair frustratingly as he rolled on his bed until he dropped on the floor.

"Why hyung what happened?"Jimin said as he tried to help Yoongi back on his bed but Yoongi just rolled and groaned.

"Oh Fuck HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL HOLY SHIT JIMIN LOOK AT THIS."Hoseok said while holding Yoongi's phone and laughing hard.

"Why?" Jimin rushed to Hoseok's side and looked at Yoongi's phone.

"Oh shi--- Hyung HAHAHAHAHA." Jimin laughed along with Hoseok while clutching his stomach.

"You got it right huh?" Hoseok said with a teasing tone.

"Shut the fuck up and throw my phone away." Yoongi grumbled as he hid himself underneath his bedsheet.

I feel ashamed I hope I don't delete this like my other shitty stories that are now gone.


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