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When lunch came Hoseok disappeared from his sight before he knew it. So he just went to the canteen alone hoping Hoseok would be there.

When he gets to their usual seat Hoseok isn't there and so is Jimin which made him worried. He both had missed calls from the 2 boys last night,did something happen between the two of them?

Yoongi tried calling Hoseok and Jimin but both aren't answering to his calls so he gave up and just ate alone in silence at the canteen, but then Taehyung suddenly appeared out of nowhere and sat beside him.

"Hyung are you ok? Why are you alone?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh Taehyung you're here. " Yoongi said. "Both Hoseok and Jimin are missing and I don't know what happened I'm worried about them"

"Missing... You mean they ran away?" Taehyung said with wide eyes. Which made him receive a smack at the head from Yoongi.

"No! I mean I haven't seen them the whole day, well except for Hobi since I saw at my first period earlier but Jimin I haven't seen him, I'm hoping I would at Ms. Lee's class later. " Yoongi said. "Something's wrong Taehyung I know something's wrong but I don't what it is. It makes me more anxious than I think I should be."

"Don't worry too much hyung I'm sure they're both fine." Taehyung assured Yoongi.

"Oh right before I forgot,  where is my kumamon stuffed toy?"

When Yoongi got home after school he immediately went to his room and laid down then the first thing he did was contact Hoseok, but Hoseok won't answer his phone so he left a voice mail.

"Hobi, if you get this message please call me." Yoongi said.

But after the moment he ended the voice mail he heard a knock from his bedroom door.

"Come in."  Yoongi said.

"Hyung." Yoongi heard and he immediately sat up from his lying position.

"Hoseok-ah what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked.

"I was just wondering if you have notes from my missed classes." Hoseok said

Yoongi didn't answer Hoseok instead he stared at him. Yoongi knows something is wrong yet it looks like Hoseok doesn't want to tell him.

"You know I don't copy notes." Yoongi just replied.

"Oh right, I'm sorry to bother you I'll just go."Hoseok said.

"Stay" Yoongi said. "And tell me what happened" He continued.

Hoseok sat down at Yoongi's office chair in the room and told him.

"Jimin and I got in to a fight."

"What happened?"

"It's just... I got too jealous, I guess. Jimin, he's spending way too much time with his boyfriend and you know I like Jimin and it got too much for me and I wanted his attention and I just got angry because he's not giving me any of it and I know that I'm not the boyfriend but I can't help it and then the next thing I knew we were shouting at each other and then he kicked me out of his house. I said some mean things to him and about his relationship and made mean guesses about his boyfriend like his boyfriend might probably be a dick or something I don't know I don't--" Hoseok started crying so Yoongi had to cut him off just to clam him down.

"Hey Hoseok calm down you're rambling I get it okay don't worry, don't worry everything will be fine. Stop crying okay? Stop crying." Yoongi said and went to Hoseoka and rubbed his back and just let him cry.

"Hyung I messed up." Hoseok said still sobbing.

"I know I know just calm down first okay? Calm down Hoseok you'll be fine."

"But Jimin isn't fine! Our friendship isn't fine I was a bad friend how could I say that to him?" Hoseok wailed.

"I'm sure Jimin will be fine." Yoongi assured.

"No he's not! I said mean things to him how could I even do that."

"You just couldn't control yourself. Stop crying Hobi."

But Hoseok just kept crying and Yoongi kept rubbing his back hoping it will somehow make him stop.

Oh yes i'm back with a short chapter i know i'm a bitch i didn't make it up to you guys sorry.

VOTE FOR BTS ON MAMA  also blackpink please :)

i love you guys


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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