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Yoongi was secretly searching for Taehyung, he didn't want anyone to know that he was looking for him.

During the weekends Yoongi was actually looking forward to seeing Taehyung again on Monday but he wasn't sure if the boy was going to talk to him since he said some harsh words to him when Taehyung (finally) confessed to him.

He wasn't going to admit it but he is actually missing Kim Taehyung right now.

Secretly looking for Taehyung made Yoongi tired so he decided to go to the rooftop to skip class and sleep.

"Kim Seokjin what am I to you? "

That was the first thing he heard when he entered the rooftop. He looked at his left side and that's when he saw Jin talking with someone. Jin was facing his direction so he can see his face meanwhile the other guy was facing his back at him so he didn't knew it was.

"Jagi-" Seokjin said and tried to reach for the other guy's hands but that guy just took a step back to prevent Seokjin from touching him. 

"You know what I already know I'm worthless, I already know that I don't deserve you, I already know that we aren't meant for each other but I still stayed beside you because I love you and now you're telling me that I should be more understanding? What does that even mean? I've been trying to understand this whole situation since from the start!" the guy said

Yoongi knows that this was a serious conversation and he should just leave the scene but didn't he's way too curious on what's happening to leave. 

"It's just... " Jin sighed frustratingly

"It's just what? Complicated? Do you even hear yourself?  You've been saying that to me for the whole year that we've been together." The guys said

Then Yoongi felt his phone vibrate signaling thay he just received a text.

From: Jimin


Yoongi widenen his eyes and didn't hesitate leaving Seokjin and the other guy behind arguing about something Yoongi shouldn't know.

Jimin was excited he was going to have his first date with his boyfriend tonight.

"Jimin someone's waiting for you outside" His mom told him.

Jimin bolted out of his room and excitedly went outside.

"Jimin you look pretty tonight" was the first thing his boyfriend told him. Jimin smiled shyly at him since he's still not used to being complimented.

"Jungkook you look dashingly handsome tonight."

Taehyung was just walking around the mall when he saw him. He was at the arcade with someone playing.

He doesn't know what was this guy doing here in Korea but whatever it is Taehyung hopes he won't bother him.


A 10 year old Taehyung was crying begging his mother to just leave him.

"Taehyungie we can't leave you here you must come with us to Japan."

"I don't want to! I want to stay here and be with Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung insisted.

"We'll come back here one day Taehyungie you'll see Yoongi hyung again." His mother tried to explain.

"NO! I want to be with Yoongi hyung." Taehyung said while bawling his eyes out.

"I'm sorry Taehyungie." His mother said.

Taehyung said nothing and just kept on crying.

An  11 year old Yoongi was mad.

Taehyung left for Japan without telling him he knows he should be okay with it since the boy always annoyed him but now he realises that a day without Kim Taehyung is actually boring.

"Kim Taehyung when you come back here I won't talk to you I really hate you even more right now." Yoongi said while looking at the framed picture of him and Taehyung when they were younger at the beach house. Taehyung was hugging him giving the camera a very wide smile while Yoongi let out a forced smile indicating that he was uncomfortable with the way that Taehyung was hugging him.

But to be honest he actually comfortable with it and he always looked forward to Taehyung's tight hugs.

double update fam! i'm proud of myself.

thank you so much for voting, commenting, and reading this book it really means so much for me.

your comments really make smile please commenting.

i love you guys


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