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It was already 6:00 when the school librarian kicked both of them out of the school because they were going to close the school. Which was nice, Taehyung thought, so they can proceed in their much awaited date.

To be honest Taehyung hasn't been preparing for the date, he has been preparing to ask but he just imagined what their date would look like but didn't make actual preparations.

Taehyung wanted to be romantic but not too much since he doesn't want Yoongi to find him very cheesy. Taehyung knows how much Yoongi hates spending too much money since Yoongi parents have taught Yoongi to value money since he was a kid (which isn't kinda true because Taehyung remembers when Yoongi got mad at his PS3 because he kept losing so he threw on his wall, and also when he caught Yoongi throwing his phone from the rooftop and gave it a middle finger.)

So a dinner date in an expensive restaurant is a big no for him.

Then Taehyung remembers the arcade.

The ride to the arcade was quiet, but it wasn't awkward.

"Taehyung." Taehyung heard Yoongi call him

"Yes?" Taehyung replied

"Where are you taking me?" Yoongi asked

"Somewhere we could have fun." Taehyung replied.

"Make sure it's somewhere fun Taehyung." Yoongi said.

"It's somewhere we used to have a lot of fun." Taehyung replied with a smile.

When they arrived at the arcade Taehyung thought Yoongi wouldn't like it but then again Taehyung knows Yoongi loves arcades.

"Wow, I haven't been inside an arcade for a long time." Yoongi said.

"Really? You love arcades hyung why haven't been inside one for a long time?" Taehyung asked.

"Because I only enjoyed arcades with you."

"Tokens please." Taehyung said as he paid at the counter so that they can play.

After the guy gave them their tokens he noticed Yoongi looking at the life sized kumamo at the counter.

"How many tickets should we win for that one?" Yoongi asked at the guy while pointing at the kumamon stuffed toy.

"50,000 tickets sir." The guys said

Yoongi just nodded his head and didn't say anything, but Taehyung sensed that Yoongi must want that kumamon.

"Taehyung come on let's play." Yoongi said while dragging Taehyung along with him.

Taehyung happily went along with him. He has a feeling this would the best night of his life.

Taehyung and Yoongi were playing Whack-A-Monkey. They basically have to 'whack' the monkey that pops its head out of the machine.

Taehyung was leading, he catches the monkey faster than Yoongi does who struggles with the all of the monkeys who comes out in a fast pace. Taehyung saw Yoongi's determined face who wanted to win the game badly so but Taehyung doesn't really want to lose at this game. He wants to get all of the tickets that he can from winning a game so he can get the life sized kumamon stuffed toy at the counter and give it to Yoongi.

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