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It has been 3 days since Jin "rejected" me and I tried to act normal.

Keyword: Tried

Since I have very attentive friends my act has been a complete waste since I myself notice it too that I eventually drift of to space and think on how Jin told me things won't work out between us.

I didn't lie to my mom I told her that Jin was the one who didn't want to make the date work then she just told me not to worry since she can find another suitable guy for me.

Bullshit I don't anyone else besides Kim Seokjin.

"Hyung you're drifting again you've been like this for days and you won't even tell us what happened." Hoseok said .

"Yeaaaahhh" Jimin said while munching at his burger.

I just stared at them not knowing how I went on a date with my crush and I haven't even confessed my feelings but he already rejected me.

I sighed and covered my face with my palms.

I wanna leave this place.

I went to the rooftop after lunch, yes I cut classes but that's none of your business. I laid at the bench and looked at the scenery infront of me.

Kim Seokjin isn't the only guy in the world, Yoongi you must move on.

"Why are you here?" I suddenly heard someone say.

I turned around and then I saw Taehyung.

"I'm not in the mood to bicker with you so leave me alone" I told him as I looked back again at the scenery from the top of the school.

"To be quite honest I am also not in the mood to bicker with you." he said and sat down beside me.

"Don't come near me." I told him

"Well that's mean, I'm here to be nice to you and all you do is push me away. " Taehyung said as he moved closer to me.

"I said don't come near me, and please you've never been nice to me so don't act like you are nice to me."  I said.

"Hey I've been always nice to you. You just find me really annoying" Taehyung said.

"I find it very surprising that you know you are annoying." I smirked

"Well to correct you I am also not annoying, you just don't like me. "

"Same thing."

"No it's not you don't like me because you find me annoying but the truth is I am not. I treat you the way I treat others it just so happens you don't want to tolerate my attitude that's why you hate me." Taehyung said

I stared at him for a moment he wasn't looking at me but I know he knows that I'm staring at him. 

"Why are you staring at me? You look creepy." Taehyung looked at me awkwardly like he doesn't like that I'm staring at him but at the same time he does.

"Uhh nothing, it's nothing" I said and looked away from him.

"Is it really nothing?" He said with a teasing tone while poking me at my sides.

"Will you stop that?" I said. but he just gave me a teasing smile. "I swear it's nothing!" I assured him.

Then there was a moment of silence. I remembered when Jin rejected me I keep on remembering it. I hate the fact that I keep on remembering his rejection. Why can't I take it off my mind? I guess after all he's my crush for a very long time and rejection really hurts.

"Is there something that's bothering you?" Taehyung asked me

"Nothing and even if I do it's none of your business." I replied

"Hey stop being a meanie I'm here to be nice I already told you."

"Just shut up will you" I snapped.

"Why do you even hate me?" Taehyung said while pouting.

"To be honest I don't actually know the reason."

He gave me a look of disbelief.

For a moment it made me think. Do I really hate Kim Taehyung?

I updated guys! Okay first of all I want thank all those people who reads this book I can't believe that I've reached 2 point something reads thank you very much guys. Thank you for voting and commenting it rally makes me happy so much you guys have no idea. Please keep supporting this book (even if it's kinda shitty) I love you guys


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