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Taehyung didn't bother me after I told him that I like Seokjin but there's more to it. I feel like he is purposely avoiding me. Not that I want him to bother me but still I can't tell what is different, except for the fact that Taehyung isn't bothering me like he used to.

Maybe it was the weather or something but I feel a little bit down.  Okay fine I'm going to admit it, I miss Taehyung's annoying existence.

Lord knows how big of a change it is because my day used to consist of Taehyung following me around during lunch and annoy the hell out of me. I just wished he wasn't a big part of my day


"Yoongi we have to tell you something." my mom said while we were eating dinner.

"What is it?" I asked

"So son the things is we kind of set you up on a date." Mom said

"What?" I said with my eyes wide

"It's for the business, we were thinking if you and this guy would click then the relationship of our business with their business would get stronger." Dad said

I gulped I didn't knew how to react. I mean for goodness sake they're setting me up on a date with a stranger... for their business!

"Just a date?" I asked

"Yes" my mom replied

"What will happen if things don't go well?"

"Good question honey, about that we would like you to try to have something for him." Mom said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Honey you're a grumpy kid loosen up a bit, maybe getting you a boyfriend would be a good  idea." My mom said while rubbing my back

"Getting me a boyfriend is actually the worst idea ever." I murmured to myself.

That night I spent my hours scrolling through my phone switching on all of my social media accounts, until I somehow ended up on an instagram post of jimin.

parkchimchim: hanging out with taehyung :) hobi shouldve came with us :(

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parkchimchim: hanging out with taehyung :) hobi shouldve came with us :(

This is rushed because i literally have no idea what to write don't worry i'll try to make up to you guys, then i'll edit this i wish i could come up for a better chapter. sorry.


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