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Taehyung has been following me for about 2 weeks. He keeps on annoying me about the text I sent him I badly want to tell him the truth but I know he will just tease me more if he founds out I have a huge crush on Kim Seokjin.

"Yoongi hyung." I went back to reality when I heard Jimin call my name.


"Why do you still like Seokjin hyung when you can have Taehyung? I mean he's good-looking." Jimin said while licking his ice cream.

"I hate him Jimin that's why." I said

"But the more you hate the more you love hyung." Jimin reasoned out.

"Just shut up Jimin I don't like Taehyung. I don't like him. I don't, that's just the way it is." I said as I opened my locker and that's when Hoseok arrived.

"Hey there gooooooodd mooooorrning." Hoseok with a very cheerful voice while wiggling like a worm.

"Goooooooooooodd moooooooooorning Hoseok!" Jimin replied copying Hoseok's actions.

"You two are really weird." I said as I fixed my things.

"Jimin can I lick on your ice cream?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah sure here." Jimin said and gave his ice cream to Hoseok then Hoseok licked a big amount of ice cream.

"Hoseokie! You licked to much." Jimin said with a sad expression on his face at the same time he's trying to be a cute baby.

"Sorry Jiminie I'll just buy another one after school." Hoseok said. while pinching his cheeks and cooing on him like a baby.

Yup very fucking weird.



I was studying for a Science quiz during lunch when Jimin interrupted me with something unnecessary.

"Hyung!" Jimin whispered creepily on my ear.

"What the fuck Jimin!"

Jimin just smiled innocently at me then told me.

"Hyung someone is trying to melt you." Jimin said with a big teasing smile.

"Yah don't smile like that you look creepy." I said and went back on studying Science, more like staring at my book and wait for all of the information to go into my head.

"But hyung it's Taehyung. Omo that rhymed." Jimin said then giggled.

"I don't care about Taehyung, wait where's Hoseok?" I asked when I noticed that he isn't here.

"Hmm you didn't notice? He left earlier saying that he needed to find some things in the library." Jimin said

I just nodded and ignored him.

"Omo! Is it because you were thinking of Taehyung that's why you didn't notice him gone? Jimin said with wide eyes.

"What? No I'm studying for our Science quiz." I scoffed at him

"Yoongi hyung." Jimin said as he placed both of his hands on my shoulders. "We both know you aren't really studying you're just staring at the words." Jimin said

"Fuck off." I grumbled as I hid my face and stole a glance at Taehyung's table.

Weird. He was really staring at me.

"I think Taehyung likes you hyung." Jimin said with mouth full of food.

"Aish this kid don't talk when your mouth is full." Once again I ignored him talking about Taehyung.

Jimin swallowed his food before telling me. "But hyung don't you think so?" 

"No I don't think he likes me Jimin now shut up and finish your food." I said then returned to my Science book.

Taehyung-ah, do you really like me?


"Babe look at me."


"I want to tell you something"

"What is it?"


He smiled at his boyfriend and cupped his cheeks.

"Nado saranghae"

Then they kissed under the sun not caring about the heat or even the rest of the world.

Bullshit? Yeah I know it sucks i'm sorry i'll try better next time


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