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"I like you"

I heard Taehyung say. I don't know for how long I was staring at him but I got confused what the hell is this kid talking about.

"What are you talking about? " i asked him

It took him for atleast a minute before he replied

"I like you enough to be my friend or probably we could be bestfriends or something I don't know...I just like you as a person. " he said then turned his back at me.

"Oh" was all I said then I continued "The class is avout to start I should get going. "

"Okay" Taehyung replied still not looking at me.

I walked until I reached the door and hid inside the building but I was still looking at him.

"AIIIISSSHHH Why didn't I just tell him that----arrrggghhhh this really frustrating me I have feeling for Yoongi but I can't man up and just tell him the truth. Fuck fuck fuck!!!  I hate myself.  Yah! Min Yoongi if you're listening— I know you're really not— you should know that I like you very much. That you should be my boyfriend and-----" I heard Taehyung talking to himself.

I didn't want to hear the rest because I know I can't look at Taehyung the same way if I heard all of it. So I went back inside with red cheeks hoping that no one wpuld notice.

Jimin was right Taehyung likes me.


"Yoongi-hyung are you okay?" Hoseok ask.

"I am, why are you asking?" 

"You've been staring at nothing for the past minute and the class just ended."


"Come on let's walk home together. " Hoseok said.

"Shouldn't we wait for Jimin? " I asked

"Jimin said he's going to meet up with his boyfriend."

"The one that he met online?" i said

"Yeah" Hoseok replied while nodding.

"Oh okay" I just said

"Wait" Hoseok said while suddenly stopped and widened his eyes.

He looked at me and said "Shouldn't we follow him? What if the guys is just a scammer? "

"What are--"

"We should follow Jimin!" Hoseok said while taking his phone from his pocket, probably gonna text Jimin.

"He's at the cafe near hyung, come on let's go. " Hoseok said while grabbing my arm and pulled me but I didn't move

"Hyung? " Hoseok asked me when I didn't move.

"When you get at the cafe try to hide your jealousy as much as possible, I won't be there to stop you. " I said while smirking.

"What jealous?  Who's jealous? Me?  I'm not jealous. Are you jealous hyung? Because I'm certain that I'm not jealous." Hoseok ranted

"Whatever go follow your Jimin. " i said while walking away.

"Hyung! " I heard Hoseok scream but I didn't care.

"Yoongi! " I heard someone say while I was walking home.

When I turned to look who it is I saw him, the guy who has been making my heart pound for a very long time yet rejected me on our first date.

"Seokjin" I whispered.

"Hey it's been a while. " Jin said with a smile.

Don't smile you're making my heart pound.  I thought.

"Yeah it has. "I said with a small smile.

We both walked with pure silence. I find it awkward walking with him.

"Yoongi you don't hate me do you?" Seokjin asked.

"What? Why would I hate you?" I asked with confusion

"It's just that you like me and stuff... " Jin said.

"How did you know? " I asked

"I heard you when you told Taehyung who do you like. " Seokjin said.

"Oh" I said and continued walking


To be honest I don't know what to think my mind just went blank. Jin knows I like him and the atmosphere between us just got even more awkward than it already is. I need to get out of this atmosphere.

I suddenly walked the other way not mentioning a thing to Jin.

"Yoongi" I heard call my name but I did not look back. I have to stay away from him so I could think.

Would guys belive me if I told you that this chapter took me 5 days of thinking?  No? Ofcourse not but it actually did take me days to think what was going to happen next because I am that kind of dumb. Anyways I hoped you like the update. (tho seriously it's not that great)


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