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It's Sunday afternoon and I'm waiting for my "date" to pick me up in my house. I'm not so enthusiastic about it but my mom, Jimin and Hoseok almost made me change my mind that this would be a good idea, keyword almost.

Few minutes later I heard a car pull up in front of our house.

"Yoongi! Your date is here come down quickly!" I heard my mom yell.

I sighed. I guess there's no turning back now. I took one last look at myself on my mirror.

"You can do it Yoongi it's just a simple date in a few months you can probably forget about each other." I tried to encourage myself then I left my room to go downstairs.

I felt very nervous as I took heavy steps just to reach our living room, then I saw him, his back turned at me I felt my stomach churning, I felt heavy I didn't knew if it was goo or bad.

"Omo my son you look wonderful." I heard my mom say.

Then the guy turned to face me. I didn't knew how to react I froze for a moment and just stared.

"Yoongi meet Kim Seokjin your date, Seokjin meet Min Yoongi my son." Mom introduced.

"Hello Yoongi."

Short chapter again. At least I updated. I wasn't sure when will I be able to update again so came up with something immediately and updated it. please don't hate me, and also who thought it would be taehyung? don't worry taegi moment will appear soon i just don't know where to put it. :)

- vee

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