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A/N: italic is flashback


"Taehyung leave me alone I swear to hell I will fucking kill you if you won't leave me alone." I said as I tried to walk faster but I miserably failed because has long legs.

"But Yoongi hyung I demand an explanation. I want it and I need it for my thesis." Taehyung said while trying to hold back a laugh from the joke that he just said.

"Taehyung you need to leave me alone please." I said as I stopped walking to look at him in the eyes.

Taehyung stopped walking too and stared at me for a moment looking like he got lost in something.

"Yah! Kim Taehyung snap out of it!" I said while flicking my fingers in front of him.

"Huh? Uhm hyung I still want to know why you sent it to me or else I'll tell mom that you won't talk to me."

I tried to calm down to stop myself from attacking him and killing him on the spot with my barehands.

"Fuck. Off. Kim. Tae. Hyung." I said and glared at him then walked to my class.

I hate that he can use his parents and my parents to blackmail me. I admit I get scared when he uses our parents as blackmail because I actually can't do anything once he tells my parents what I've been up to in school.

Our parents are business partners but are moms are more of bestfriends. I wonder why me and Taehyung aren't probably because he's way to annoying. They actually try to make us friends but they never succeeded.

"Yoongi go on talk to Taehyung." my mom told me

"But mom, I don't want to." I grumbled

"You go there and be friends with him again and when you come back you better have his phone number." My mom said as she pushed me forward.

"Mom why do you sound like you are trying to hook me up with a guy?" I sighed

"Why is there any problem on that, Taehyung is actually a nice man." My mom shrugged

"Psh nice man my ass." I whispered as I walked slowly to Taehyung.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher arrived.


"Yoongi why won't you just tell me why did you send me that text?" Taehyung said. He's nagging me again I swear to hell it's so freaking annoying.

"How about you tell me why are so desperate to know why you received that text?" I asked back

"Hey don't answer a question with a question." Taehyung replied.

"Taehyung just leave me alone." I grumbled

"Nope, no, nada, not until you tell me who was it actually for, if it wasn't for me, but it's for me wasn't it?" Taehyung said with a teasing smile.

"Taehyung once again it wasn't for you and for the last and please please listen to me. Leave me alone." I said as I walked on the corridor.

"Hyung please tell me please, please, please" Taehyung said with puppy eyes.

I ignored him and continued to walk.

"Hyung tell meeee, Hyung hyung hyu-"

"It was for Kim Seokjin okay!" I stopped walking to look at him in the eyes for a moment I looked at his eyes an emotion flashed but quickly changed into shock then confusion.

When I realized what I just did I looked around the corridor silently thanking the heavens that no one is around because they're all at the cafeteria.

I turned around to leave and try to save myself from embarrassment.

"Wait you like my cousin?" I heard him but I ignored him and left him at the middle of the corridor.

Meanwhile at the corner

"Wait Yoongi likes me?"

Surprise muthafuckas yus Taehyung and Seokjin are cousins lmao. Updates will probably so slow so I'm sorry for that school just started and I have no gadgets because my mom confiscated it so I'm sorry :)


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