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First Note:

Roses are red, my face is too and that only happens when I'm around you.

Maybe that wasn't very original of Taehyung to do but what can he do he isn't really good with this kind of things all he knows is that he's never been determined to confess to his hyung since he sent "i love you" to him accidentally.

Taehyung knows it was an accident but he can't help having a little bit of hope just because of that.

"Jimin are you sure about this?" Taehyung asked Jimin who was busy texting on his phone.

"Jimin" Taehyung called again but Jimin didn't heard him

"Yah! Park Jimin!" Taehyung raised his voice a little bit more so that Jimin will notice him.

"What?" Jimin said while looking up on his phone.

"Look at this, is this note okay?" Taehyung asked while showing the note to Jimin.

"Yeah yeah thay's okay" Jimin said and returned to his phone

"You said you'll help but you're not even helping." Taehyung said while pouting.

"You don't need that much of help,  you just need confidence that you can do this. " Jimin said

"I can't" Taehyung said then he slumped on his swivel chair.

"Why? You used to act cocky on him. " Jimin said.

"I don't know I just can't." Taehyung sighed


When Yoongi opened his locker he didn't notice the small note that fell down from it. He noticed that it has a note with kumamons doodles around it.


        Roses are red, my face is too and that only happens when I'm around you

Yoongi tried to look if someone was watching him then he saw a guy just a few lockers away from him. Yoongi doesn't know if he should be suspicious of him but when the guy closed his locker he realised it was only Taehyung.

Taehyung just gave gave him a smirk then walked away.

Nope, he's definitely not suspicious  Yoongi thought.


Yoongi just got out of his last class and he's ready to go home, but then he realised his  Geometry book isn't with him so he walked to his locker.

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