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Me and Seokjin were just sitting across each other in a booth in restaurant. None of us wanted to break the silence. The silence was comfortable even though I can feel my heart beating so fast. I mean after I'm on a date with my long time crush.

As we both eat our dinner quietly Jin decided to break the silence.

"Look Yoongi, can we just tell our parents that this won't work?" He suddenly said.

This won't work? I'm pretty sure this would work for me.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Yoongi it's just that... I don't know... I-- uhh..." 

"What? What is it?"

"I just don't like you okay." Jin said.

I stared at him wondering what does he mean by that. He doesn't like me? Of course Yoongi you dumb idiot he doesn't like you he's freaking Kim Soekjin for fuck's sake.

"Uhh okay I guess, but what do you want me to tell to my mom? Like it wasn't working because you don't like me?" I said hoping that he might change his mind a little bit.

"Look just please make up an excuse so that we don't have to do this." Jin said.

At that point I was hurt my crush is rejecting me, well it's not like I confessed but still I like him a lot and I wanna respect his decision.

"Okay I'll try to come up with something." I said with a small smile.

"Thank you." Jin replied with a beautiful smile. 

How can I resist him?

3rd Person's POV


"Hmm I rejected him immediately I don't want any complications to happen."

"Really? Would that be okay to your families?"

"I think so after all I wasn't their first choice."



"What is it again?"

"When will we tell others about us?"


"Okay okay I know I'm sorry it's just that, I want to show you off to everybody."

"You know how would my parents react to this right?"


"I'm sorry we can't tell the others"

"I'm sorry if I'm pressuring you."

"Saranghae, jagiya" (I love you)

"Nado saranghae"(I love you too)

I feel like an expert when it comes to shitty writing. I'm sorry but I'm really not confident with my work :( I'll try to make it better I promise.

- vee

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