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The ride back to Yoongi's house was silent.

Taehyung thought he somehow made Yoongi mad about what happened earlier, but he also thought that maybe Yoongi would let it go since he made it clear to the girl that he didn't want anything to do with her.

"Yoongi" Taehyug softly called Yoongi but Yoongi didn't answer. Taehyung took a quick glance at Yoongi before averting his gaze back to the road. Taehyung smiled involuntarily when he realised Yoongi had fallen asleep.

Next Morning


Yoongi groaned when he heard something loud.


Yoongi groaned once more but still didn't bother to wake up but the noise won't stop.


Yoongi suddenly got realising it was his alarm that has been so noisy the whole time. When he searched for his phone he realised it wasn't on the bed like it usually is but it is on his desk at right side of his bed.

He opened the phone and saw that he has been 10 minutes late than he usually wakes up plus he sees 10 missed calls from Hoseok and 2 missed call from Jimin.

Yoongi just ignored the missed calls and decided he can just ask his friends what is going on when he gets to school. He immediately got up and got ready for school.

Yoongi doesn't usually give a fuck if he's late or not but today he felt like gling to school a little earlier to see a certain annoying kid.

It was at the middle of ride on the way to school when he suddenly gasped a little louder than it was supposed to be.

"Master, is everything fine? " his driver asked out of concern.

"Uhh yes everything is fine just don't mind me." Yoongi replied.

Yoongi realised he woke up on his bed alone not remembering how the hell did he got there, also now that he thinks about it he didn't noticed a certain life sized kumamon stuffed toy around his room or even somewhere in his house.

When Yoongi gets to school he immediately walks straight to his locker while silently thanking the heavens because he arrives at school 6 minutes before the classes start.

After he got his things he went straight to class thinking he can just go talk to Taehyung during break time.

Strange thing is when Yoongi goes to his seat he notices Hoseok sitting silently at his seat which was 3 rows infront of him. Usually Hoseok would greet him a good morning when he passes by Hoseok's seat, but now Hoseok was just sitting looking bored or probably sad staring at the air.

Yoongi was about to call Hoseok but the teacher suddenly came so he decided he'll just ask what happened during break time.

At the middle of the class things started to actually get boring. At first Yoongi was trying to write notes but he stopped since he felt too lazy to write, so he decided to just secretly use his phone during class lectures.

When he opened his phones he realised that he had 13 texts from Hoseok last night and a text from Taehyung. He opens Taehyung's message first.

Kim Taehyung
Hyung I just got home and I hope you'll have a great sleep even if I already know you're sleeping great. I had a lot of fun with you today hyung I hope it can happen again. See you tomorrow xx

Jung Hoseokieee

Hyung are you there?


Where are you hyung?

I'm sad hyung


Hyung did you know?

Do you know?

How much everything hurts?

O'm alone hyung come over

O p s   i think that came out wrong

How does a sunshine actually shone hyung?

Does it need anyone else to shine?

If it does everything would make sense to me.

Yoongi lifted his head up to look at Hoseok but he just saw him with his head down, probably sleeping.

Yoongi just looked at Hoseok with concern even if the younger doesn't see him.

Sorry guys no part2 because as you can see this chapter is a week late. I'm sorry of it's short i had to rush it because our wifi doesn't work and i'm probably not gonna update again next week i'm sorry exams are coming up and i need to focus 😢

Don't worry i'll make it up to you guys i promise i love you guys.


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