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It's lunch an I'm staring at my phone while sitting in the cafeteria. I didn't reply to Taehyung last night I feel so ashamed. I wanted to die on the spot.

I loathed Kim Taehyung he is the school's most popular fuckboy and no I don't hate him just beacuse he's popular and a fuck boy. It started long ago when we were kids and I don't really remember how it started but it just ended up that way.

I stood up of my table and rushed out of the cafeteria. I went to the school rooftop.

I stared and my phone debating whether should I do it or not.

"You know what? Fuck this shit." I said outloud then threw my phone.

I watched my phone flew through the air as it went down with gravity on the ground, then I gave it a middle finger. When I was about to leave I turned around only to bump into a chest. I looked up and saw him. Kim Taehyung.

"Hey Yoongie" Taehyung said with a teasing smile.

"Leave me alone Taehyung." I said as I tried to walk away from him but he blocked the way.

"Wow you must be really rich to just throw your phone away like that." Taehyung said while oretending to be amazed.

"I don't have time to play games with you Taehyung." I said as I walked away but he grabbed my hand before I got further.

"Wait, I believe you need to explain what was that text you sent me last night." Taehyung said.

"No I don't" I said as tried to get out of his grip.

"Yes you do. Saranghae? Really Min Yoongi saranghae? I never knew you loved me." Taehyung said with a mocking tone.

"It wasn't meant for you okay! It was meant for someone else." I yelled at him.

"Then who was it for?" he asked.

"It's none of your business."

"Okay then I'm gonna assume it's for me. Will you start courting me? Send love letters?"

"No! You dumbfuck I hate you and once again it wasn't for you!" I tried to scream at him at the top my lungs so that he would get my point.

"If you say so." Taehyung said with a teasing smile that made me wanna choke him to death. I really hate him.

"Shut the fuck up Taehyung and leave me alone." I shouted frustratedly.

"But how can I easily leave someone who loves me?" He said while pouting. I cringed, why does he need to do that?

"You've got your admirers who loves you with all their heart why don't you go bother them?" I said.

"But they're no challenge I just say I'd sleep with them and they will gladly let me fuck them hard on the sheets. Would you like that Yoongi? Me fucking on the sheets, would you like that?" Taehyung said and then he wriggled his eyebrows.

Not wanting to waste my time with his bullcrap I yanked my hand out of his grip and walked back in to the building of the school, but before I completely leave I gave him a middle finger.

very fucking short i know, please bear with me this the first time ive been determined to write a whole story.


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