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I was getting ready to sleep when my phone ringed. It was a call from Jimin.

"Yah! Kim Taehyung! You stupid coward!" Jimin screamed through the phone. I sighed I think I already know what he is talking about.

"What did I do?" I asked

"You confused Yoongi hyung!" Jimin said.


"You know what why don't you come over right now? Hobi is already here and my boyfriend just left I think we can talk about this thing that you just did." Jimin said.

"I'll be there in a few."

One Week Later


Yoongi is confused.

Jimin and Hoseok has been acting weird all day, not normally weird, but weird like they're getting excited about something. He tries to ask them what's happening but they just keep saying that it's nothing he should be worried about.

"Hyung can you come with me to the roof top? I think I left my wallet up there." Hoseok told him.

"Why do I need to go with you? You can just go and I'll wait for you here." Yoongi said

"Just come with me please."

"Why do I need to go with you? You can just do it quickly and then we can go home." Yoongi said but Hoseok just gripped his wrists and dragged him to the rooftop.

When they got there Hoseok told him to wait then Yoongi just walked around just to look. Then out of nowhere he heard the metal door slam shut.

Yoongi ran to the metal door but it wouldn't open. He looked around but there's no sign of Hoseok around, leaving him under the hot weather.

Yoongi took his phone out to call Hoseok but he wouldn't answer. He tried calling Jimin but he wouldn't answer too, after all they're both part of the plan.

If I see that kid I'll kill him. Yoongi thought.

"Yoongi hyung" Yoongi heard someone call.

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