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"Hey Yoongi! Where have you been?" Hoseok said as he spotted Yoongi coming back down from the rooftop.

"I skipped class why?" Yoongi  replied

"Really? You should've asked me to join you." Hoseok said with a pout.

"Well I didn't want you to join me." Yoongi said and started walking to the next class.

Hoseok just looked at Yoongi with curious eyes but didn't move to walk with him to the next class. 

"Hobi? What are you doing there?" Hoseok heard someone ask.

Hoseok looked back and saw Taehyung.

"Did you just came down from the rooftop?" Hoseok asked Taehyung.

"Yes I did." Taehyung replied. 

"You--" Hoseok was cut off by the bell saying that the next class is about to start.

"Next class is about to start I'll get going Hobi" Taehyung said and started walking  away.

As Taehyung was walking away Hoseok was very confused.

"But you were just on the rooftop and Yoongi was just there and-- wait did Taehyung tell Yoongi?" Hoseok muttered to himself.  "Aish nevermind I'm sure it's nothing."

Hoseok didn't notice the redness of Yoongi's face and Yoongi was thanking God for that. 


I don't know what to feel.

I wanna tell Yoongi that I like him but I don't know how, so I always end up teasing him.

I asked Jimin and Hoseok for advices but they just keep on teasing and teasing me and ends up on only one advice.

Man up and tell him you like him.

But how can I when I know he likes my cousin. Also when I heard from Jin what happened on thier 'date' I got mad and happy at the same time.

Mad because how can Jin go in a date with Yoongi when he doesn't even like him. Happy because he rejected Yoongi on the spot.

Then at school I fucking see him still staring at Seokjin with adoration but with a hint of disappointment.

I'm fucking jealous. Why can't Yoongi look at me the same way? Not the disappointed look but with adoration or something more.

"Taehyung calm down stop shooting daggers at Jin." I heard Namjoon say.

"Oh sorry I--"

"You're so cute Taehyung. Don't be jealous of me I don't like Yoongi." Jin said while pinching my cheeks.

"I can't help it he looks at you way too much."

I heard Namjoon cough hard and I looked at him with worry.

"Namjoon hyung are you okay? "

"I'm fine I'm fine I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." Namjoon said while standing up then he left us.

"I'm gonna go follow him and make sure he's alright." Jin said and followed Namjoon

I just sighed and looked at Yoongi.

I just kept looking at him even if I look like a creepy pervert I don't care as long as I get to see him.

Min Yoongi why can't you just like me?

I wanted to skip class so I went to the rooftop to sleep. But when I got there I Yoongi there at the bench sitting. I went up beside him.

I wanted to talk to him properly and this was my chance I took it and we had a decent conversation I feel glad.

I liked the way he has a small smile on some of my jokes but he glares when I have a really bad pun. I didn't care if my jokes were bad atleast we talked without fighting today.

"Yoongi hyung if you didn't hate me like you always say would you like me?" I suddenly asked out of nowhere. When I realized what I just said mentally face palmed. I feel so dumv for asking that.

"Why are you asking me that?" Yoongi asked me.

"Man up Kim Taehyung and tell Yoongi hyung that you like him! "

"Yup Jimin is right if you really want to tell Yoongi hyung that you like him then just tell him. "

"I like you"

-I how many days has it been when I last updated? Lol i can't remember and I still have short updates y'all must be suffering.

Anyways I love your feedbacks thank you you so much guys *sending virtual hugs and kisses* thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting basically for supporting this book I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!

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