Mabel's POV
We said our goodbyes, as we hopped on the bus and drove back to California. I was going to miss Gravity Falls, but I needed a break. After Bill had been terrorizing us and then going in to my mind, I was now terrified of him. But Ford said he was gone, so I had nothing to worry about. Although I couldn't stop the nagging feeling I felt in the back of my mind. Like something was wrong, or...
Someone was there...
I shook my head and brushed the thought away. Then I turned my head to look at Dipper. He had fallen asleep on the bus, with his head leaned against the window. I decided I should to. It was a long drive and I probably needed some sleep. So I scooted closer to Dipper and leaned onto of him, falling asleep with my head on his shoulder.
I opened my eyes to see I was on the bus. 'Huh, that was a quick sleep' I thought to myself. I turned to look at Dipper, but he was gone. I looked up around the bus, but no one was here.
"What the-" then I noticed, everything was in black and white. I felt my head spin, I tried to stand up into the isle, but my legs gave out and I fell into the middle of the bus. Then I looked up. On the back of a seat was the cipher circle, glowing. The shootingstar was crossed out in blood. My face went pale, I was terrified. I tried to scream, but I couldn't talk. I couldn't breath. I heard laughing, and my vision went blurry, when-
"Mabel!" I jolted awake, panting for air. "Hey, are you okay." I looked up at him.
"Y-yeah," I tried to calm my voice. " I-it was jut a nightmare." he paused and looked at my face, which I'm sure was as white as snow.
"Okay," he said unsure. I tried to smile to reassure him, but I'm not sure if it worked.
"Piedmont California!" We heard the bus driver call out.
"Well, this is us," Dipper jumped up, grabbing out suitcases from above our seats. He handed me mine and we walked doff to bus into our normal city, to resume our normal lives.
Well, as normal as they could be with memories of fighting goblins and monsters, and an evil dream demon. But other than that, completely normal.
We went back to school a few days after we got bak home. We even told a couple of people about Gravity Falls. Of course, they didn't believe us. But we didn't care. It was our adventure, not theirs. The school year was boring, and I eventually decided I was tired of my break form Gravity Falls. Even if the summer was filled with demons trying to murder us, it still beat this boring school.
However, when the next summer rolled around, we didn't go back to Gravity Falls. The Stan's were still on a trip sailing around the world. I was pretty sad about not being able to go back there and see them, but it was alright. I figured I'd just hang out with Dip Dot all summer. Well, thats what I thought.
Dipper's POV
"What do you mean you're leaving all summer!" Mabel yelled, slamming my suit case shut while I was trying to pack.
"I'm sorry Mabel, I need to do this." I had received a letter from Stanford University inviting me to a summer internship program. They usually only accept eighteen year olds, but they made an exception for me. "This will help me get into the college."
"Well what am I supposed to do all summer with out you?"
"I don't know? You could try to make some friends," I tried to say it gently, though I still saw her face drop. She had been getting really bad social anxiety lately. I called Ford and he said there could be some strange side affects from the memory gun. His theory was that anxiety was one of them so I've been really worried about her. She'd been clinging to me like a life line lately and I was worried about leaving her, but it was only for the summer.
"Dipper, I don't know..." she backed up and sat down on the bed. I sighed.
"Mabel," I walked over and sat with her. "Its going to be okay. I promise." she hummed in response and got op an walked out of the room. Maybe I shouldn't go? No. I need to. Mabel will be fine. Its just a little side affect, she should be fine soon enough. That was what I told myself, but I didn't know. She had been doubting herself more and more. I was scared for her.
My fear only grew when we went swimming the next day as a good bye party for me. She wore swim shorts when we went because she said they were more comfortable then a bikini bottom. And I bought that reason, until when we were swimming and they slipped up a little bit. I'm not sure if I saw it correctly, but I could have sworn I saw scattered scars around her thighs. And no matter how much I wanted rot believe they were from monster fights, I knew they weren't. They were too recent, and by the looks of them, I knew that she did it.
I wanted to mention this to her and talk bout it, but I never had time to before I left. I sat on the bus to the university and looked at her out the window. I saw her smiling at me, waving good bye, but I focused on her eyes. I had never realized how much they changed from the start of summer in Gravity Falls. They weren't energetic and positive anymore, now they were just depressed, and sad. I felt so bad for her. The memory gun really did a number on her. I wished I could talk to Ford about it and ask him for help, but I hadn't been able to get a hold of him for a while now.
I felt the bus start to leave and I kept my gaze on Mabel, until she was to far to see. I then imminently pulled out my phone and opened up the text messages to her name.
Hey, if you ever want to talk about anything, just text or call me. I'll still b there for you.
:) Was all she replied. And no matter how much I wanted to picture her happy smiling face, all I could see was the way she looked when I last saw her. The fake smile masking her tears that only a twin could see through. Maybe I should have stayed with her.

FanficWeirdmegedon was stopped. We won. Dipper and I went back to California and were going to live normal, happy lives. I should be happy. That's what they said. That's what they told me. But I started to notice something was off, someone was there. And...