I got down to the kitchen and walked in, pulling out my phone. My mom was too busy with cooking to notice my panicked expression.
Dipper! I need you. Please call me, its urgent! Bill is
I stopped typing, remembering what Bill said. I quickly deleted the message and put my phone in my pocket.
"Good choice." I jumped and screamed at the sudden sound of his voice. He was standing right next to me. My mom dropped the pan she had in her hand and it his the floor with a clatter.
"Mabel honey, whats wrong," she probably noticed how panicked I felt when her expression turned worried. I glanced back at Bill, who only smirked at me. Then I looked back to my mom who's gaze was only on me.
"What the-"
"She can't see or hear me." I kept my gaze on my mom.
"I- uh, I'm fine. I promise. I just...um" I trailed off and looked away. I hadn't told her, but she most likely noticed that my anxiety had been getting worse. I tried to play it off as just that, but I didn't know if it worked.
"You scared me." She bent down to pick up the pan. "Just try not to do that anymore."
"Ok, sorry,"
"Its fine." I looked at Bill, who was still smirking.
What the fucking hell? I thought, knowing he could still read minds.
"No one but you can see or hear me."
So, you're a figure of my imagination?
"More like a concept of your thoughts."
"Mabel honey come eat." My mom set a plate of pancakes on the table
"Okay," I sat down and started to eat. Bill was staring at me the whole time, and I lost my appetite. I grabbed my uneaten pancake and put it by the sink and started to run to my room.
"Mabel, you didn't finish."
"S-sorry mom. I'm not hungry anymore."
"Is everything okay?" she looked worried. "You know you can always talk to me if you want."
"I'm okay, really. I just need to lie down." I ran up to my room and shut the door. When I turned around, Bill was there.
"What do you want!" Whisper yelled.
"Well, currently I don't want anything. I just had to wait for your dumb brother to leave to I could come out."
"Why? You said you'd kill him if I told anyone about you so why does it matter?"
"Because your brother is a lot smarter and much more observant than your dumb parents, so he would have noticed something was off, whether you told him or not."
"Oh.." I looked at the ground and kept my gaze from him, though he kept staring at me. Why does he keep doing that?
"Why not," He replied to my thoughts. I started to fidget with my hands.
"Why are you here?"
"Sadly, when you were hit with the memory gun, I became trapped in your mind."
"How, Ford said you blocked my memories from the blast and it only took you out." He laughed.
"See, Ford isn't really all that smart." He sat down in my chair and gestured me to sit as well, to I sat at the end of my bed, facing him. "I can't be killed with a memory gun, because I'm not a memory when I change form and go into someones mind. I'm a concept."
"So, how did I keep my memories," I looked down and fidgeted with the end of my blanket, still not wanting to look at him.
"I protected them." This made me glance up.
"What? Why?"
"Because it's so much more fun to see your reaction when you already know me." He laughed and I looked down. It was true. I was terrified of him, which was probably hilarious to him. "Yes it is. And you should be terrified of me." He stood up and walked towards me. "And since I'm in your mind," he was looming over me at this point. "No one can save you." I gulped and tried to scoot back, but his hand snaked behind my neck and was holding me in place. I was practically shaking at this point. He laughed and leaned into my ear. "Scared?" he whispered. I looked away and felt a couple tears slide down my cheek.
"Please let go,"
"What if I don't want to?"
"Please" I whimpered. He smirked and looked like he was about to do something util he was cut off by a knock at the door.
"Mabel, can I come in?" It was my mom. Bill let go and I stood up off the bed.
"Y-yeah," she opened the door and walked in. I quickly glanced at Bill who just stood there, glaring at my mother. It was so weird that she just didn't see him.
"I'm leaving for a few hours, will you be okay on your own." she carried this worried expression with her every time she saw me now. I wish I could tell her everything was okay.
"But it isn't." Bill chuckled and crossed his arms.
Shut up.
"Yeah, I should be fine."
"Okay, see you in a bit hon."
"Bye." I watched her walk out the door and leave. Bill then walked dover and closed the door. When it shut, I jumped a little bit. The fear finally set in when I realized I was home alone, with Bill.
"You really should be scared" I looked up and him and knew he could read my thoughts just as much as he could read the pale expression on my face.
"B-bill. Please don't-"
"Hurt you? No I won't do that. Not yet anyways."
"W-what are you going to do. What do you want."
"Well, right now I need to get out of your head, which requires a massive amount of energy. Sadly that is taking me a long time to acquire, so for the time being, you're stuck with me."
"So, your just going to terrorize me until you leave?"
"I wouldn't call it terrorizing." he laughed. "But I have nothing else to do so you'll be my source of entertainment." he laughed and I was about to say something when I felt my phone buzz. I looked at it and saw Dippers picture. I looked at Bill and he only raised an eyebrow. "Answer it." I looked up at him, then pressed the green button, and walked out of the room.

FanficWeirdmegedon was stopped. We won. Dipper and I went back to California and were going to live normal, happy lives. I should be happy. That's what they said. That's what they told me. But I started to notice something was off, someone was there. And...