Mabel's POV
When I woke up, it took me a moment to realize what had happened. Then I remembered. Bill rushing in, drained of energy, collapsing, and passing out with his head on my lap.
"Bill!" I jumped out of bed but was hit with a migraine the second I stood up. I groaned and fell back on my bed. "Dammit." I ran my fingers through my hair and clutched my head.
"Star?" Bill opened my door
"Yeah," I groaned in response and didn't bother to look up.
"Are you okay." He walked over to me and I sat up slowly.
"Yeah, just a headache." I looked at him to see if he looked okay. Th color had returned to his face and his eyes. And his bags had disappeared. He was looking as confident and cocky as ever. Well, he must have gotten his power.
"I did. It was just a bit more complicated than usual." The image of his lifeless face resting on me flashed in my mind.
"Complicated? That's what you're calling it? You passed out and would wake up. I thigh you were dead!" I quickly stopped talking, realizing how nervous I sounded. Bill apparently noticed it too because his smirk was beginning to grow.
"Were you scared?" I looked away.
"No." He laughed.
"Sure you weren't," he sarcastically chimed. Then I smirked, getting an idea.
"No, I just kind of need you to cure me and bring me home," I repeated the deflection he often used on me. His face fell for a moment, but he picked it up quickly and laughed.
"I guess you do." He held out a hand. "Now come on, let's go get breakfast and I'll give you some pain killers." I looked at his hand, debating whether to not to go. But I decided I didn't have enough energy to fight him this morning. "Good, because I don't want to deal with that right now," he smiled responding to my thoughts. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed without taking his head. Though I instantly regretted it once I stood up and my head started pounding. I swayed slightly where I stood and Bill reached out to steady me. "You good?"
"Y-yeah." I looked up."Let's go." We started walking to the kitchen in silence. When we got there, I saw he already had eggs and sausage made.
"Once you're done eating, I'll give you the medication."
"Okay." I sat down at one of the plates and he did the same. We both started eating, and apparently, we were both insanely hungry because neither of us talked and we both finished in minutes.
"Was it good?" Bill asked as he grabbed the plates and walked away with them.
"Yeah," I quietly called, being careful not to make my migraine spike.
I watched Bill put the plates in the sink, then grab a cup and fill it with water. When he was done, he walked back over to me and handed the water to me. Then he reached into his pocket and dug out three white pills, handing them to me.
"There, those should help with a headache," he explained as I put them all in my mouth and took a sip of water to wash them down. Once they were all down, I finished off the water and took it to the sink.
"Yeah. You can go sit on the couch until the pain killers kick in."
"Okay." I walked out of the kitchen and found the closest room with a couch. I was surprised that he told me to go to a couch and not my room. I didn't think much of it though, and just laid down on the couch instead and waited for the migraine to lessen.
It took about thirty minutes before I felt like I could sit up, but finally the pounding turning into a dull ache. Once it did, Bill walked in and sat down on a chair next to the couch.
"Feeling better?"
"Good. Sorry, I don't know how to take power without doing that to you."
"It's fine," I brushed it off, not wanting to talk about it. Him apologizing still made me uncomfortable. "So... what happened?"
"I, uh, waited too long to take power. Once it was gone, I passed out and was trapped in the mindscape."
"So, how'd you get out?"
"I... saw one of my friend there who... offered to lend me a bit of power to get me back. He said he would if I invited him over for dinner." I couldn't hold back my laugh.
"That doesn't sound very demon like," I raised an eyebrow.
"No, it doesn't. And if I know Tad, he always has some anterior motive so you're not leaving my side when he's here."
"Um, okay," started I said nervously."When's he coming?"
"Oh..." I trailed off and looked away.
"Yeah?" I looked back at him
"I promise I won't let anything happen to you." I smiled at this. I didn't know why I trusted him, but for some reason, I did.
"Okay." I nodded.
"Alright." He stood up. "Before tonight, I have something to do, so if you'll excuse me." He looked at me and smirked. No, it was a smile, dammit I couldn't tell. He disappeared, leaving me alone.
I wasn't really sure what to do, so I just stood up and went to the kitchen. If I'm bored and alone, I might as well be bored and alone with food.
Bill's POV
I disappeared to my room after I knew she was alright. I needed to make sure Tad couldn't do anything.
After I grabbed a key out of my room, I left to find the library. It wasn't far from my room, with a dark oak door.
I inserted my black key and opened the door. When I walked in, I started looking for a book. Not just any book, I needed to find the one on Demon's slaves.
It took me a while to find it, but I finally did.
عباد الشيطان
It was in a demon language, but being a demon I could read it.
I started scanning the book for information on other demons stealing slaves. I needed to make sure there was no way Tad could get his hands on her. It said that there is usually no way another demon could steal a slave, unless under special circumstances.
"Well, what the hell are 'special circumstances'?" I yell at the book. "Ug,"I groaned putting the book back. "Useless book."
After a while though, I continued to search through the book to try and figure out if he could possibly take her. Eventually I came across a page that said something about power levels and whichever demon has more power is the master. But this shouldn't matter, I've always been more powerful than Tad. Shit, I'm practically the most powerful demon there is. So, there should be no way for him to take her.
However, if I know Tad, he always has an ace up his sleeve. He'll try something, no doubt. And if he does, I'll kill him.

FanfictionWeirdmegedon was stopped. We won. Dipper and I went back to California and were going to live normal, happy lives. I should be happy. That's what they said. That's what they told me. But I started to notice something was off, someone was there. And...