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A normal person in your situation may have said, "Wow! Have you ever heard of the musical "Dear Evan Hansen"? There's a character named Alana Beck, who, actually, is played by an actress that looks a lot like you!"

But, your anxiety prevented you from that. Your anxiety prevented you from a lot of things. Especially around people. Especially talking about things you like.

So, instead, you shook Alana's hand and introduced yourself with a polite smile.

Alana picked up a paper from the secretary's desk--you figured it was your class schedule--and led you out of the office and into the chaotic high school hallway.

Alana showed you to your locker, each of your classrooms, and the lunchroom. Your mind was still buzzing with fear and confusion, but you went along with it. Anxiety made you a decent liar; too scared of looking crazy to demand what the hell was going on.

The tour took up the first forty-five minute class period of the day. Alana dropped you off at your next class right as the bell rang for it to begin.

Well, it's not like I can just stand outside the door, you reminded yourself. The longer you do the worse it'll be. You turned the handle.

The students were still rowdy--obviously, the bell had just rang--but the teacher noticed you.

"You must be Y/N, our new student," the teacher greeted with a smile. "I'm Mrs. Carter."

She seemed like a friendly woman, in her late forties probably, and definitely likeable. You could tell, because at the sound of their teacher's voice the class turned toward you and quieted, not quite silent, but still more attention than you would like.

"Yep," you said, offering a politely enthusiastic smile and trying not to face the class. You cursed yourself for not being able to think of, or physically say, anything more.

Calm down, you thought, you're fine.

"There's an empty desk on the side row that you can take," Mrs. Carter said, pointing. You instinctively glanced over to it, and another pain hit you in the chest, much more intense than when you saw Alana.

Because sitting next to your empty desk was Evan Hansen.

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