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It turned out it wasn't hard to befriend Jared. You didn't know what you had expected. You literally just went up to him Monday morning and casually asked him to sit with you guys at lunch. It went so smoothly, you did the same thing with Alana. The trick was to not be condescending. You knew how it felt to be befriended out of pity, and it was probably worse than being alone.

Your original plan had been to focus on Evan and Connor, but eventually realized that the rest of them needed support too. And it wasn't like it was a chore to be friends with Jared and Alana.

(Y/N) has created a group chat
(Y/N) has added Edgy Ghost, Hermione Granger, Insanely Cool, and Tree Boy to chat

(Y/N): I realized we have 0 plans for prom???
(Y/N): this is unacceptable??????
Hermione Granger: ugh you guyyyys
Hermione Granger: I'll make the dinner reservations for prom
Tree Boy: Thanks Alana
Hermione Granger: you're right I'll get the tickets too
(Y/N): where do you want to take pictures before???
Edgy Ghost: dude what the fuck
Edgy Ghost: why would i even go to prom
Insanely Cool: because we LOVE you connor and you're our FRIEND
Insanely Cool: also your house has the best ~aesthetic~
(Y/N): pretty please connor??
Edgy Ghost: ughhh ok fine
Edgy Ghost: also why is this my name in ur phone
(Y/N): no reason

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