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Jazz Band: hey. can you come over asap ?
(Y/N): uh yeah sure why
Jazz Band: its connor

Oh my God. Not again. It had been two months since Evan broke his arm. The six of you had been hanging out all summer. It was good. All of it. You and Evan, you and the five of them. It had probably been the best summer of your life, because you had people to share it with.

But these things kept happening. Was the plot really fated to play out? Even if Connor and Evan really were friends? Connor wasn't supposed to try to commit suicide until the first day of school. Why was this happening at the end of July?

Was this your fault?

You started frantically sending texts to Connor Murphy.

(Y/N): dont kill yourslef buddy
(Y/N): i'm coming over
(Y/N): oh my god
(Y/N): fuck me
(Y/N): that text was supposed to sound so much less funny
(Y/N): really, please don't
(Y/N): what the fuck
(Y/N): "yourslef"
(Y/N): I hate myslef
(Y/N): haha
(Y/N): jk jk everything's fine
(Y/N): did you ever realize jared's initial were jk
(Y/N): how funny is that
(Y/N): fucking tangent
(Y/N): i feel like veronica laughing at her period joke over heather chandler's corpse
(Y/N): not that you're heather chandler
(Y/N): you're so much nicer than h chandler
(Y/N): and your hair is better
(Y/N): haha
(Y/N): also you better be way more alive than hc
Edgy Ghost: it's fine i'm fine calm down
(Y/N): oh thank god
(Y/N): i love you
(Y/N): and i might literally die if the 1st thing your parents saw on your phone after you died were these texts
(Y/N): wow that was really selfish
(Y/N): i'm sorry
(Y/N): maybe i should stop
(Y/N): i'm still coming over

(Y/N): I'm here

stars in our eyes | evan hansen x readerWhere stories live. Discover now