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The more you thought about your decision the more stressed out you got.

How would that work? How do you change the plot of something?  you wondered. But then you would remind yourself that you also didn't know how getting transported into the reality of a musical works either.

What if it was unchangable? Like, fate or whatever? Then at least you tried and didn't just stand by while a teenager killed himself and another lied about knowing him.

Still, you couldn't imagine going through that. Watching a fictional plot play out is one thing. Living it is entirely different. You could never deal with going through that, powerless to stop it, but still knowing everything that was going to happen.

You made your second life-altering decision of the day. Through your last two days in 'DEH World', you'd picked up that it was the end of March, approximately five months until Connor Murphy would commit suicide. You decided that if you couldn't change it, if the events are destined to play out, you could not be here when they did.

If by the end of July, nothing seemed any different... then you'd have a month to try and figure how to get out of this place.

July 28. Mark your calendar. The day you decide to stay or try to go.

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