Chapter 29

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Jimins POV


"Don't lie to me Yoongi! Did he rape you?" Yoongi just stared at me, tears forming in his eyes.

"Jimin can I just be left alone-"

"Please! Tell me Yoongi." I cried into his shoulder. "Don't hide anything from me." I begged.

I felt him rest his head on mine.

".....yes." He sobbed. I knew that bastard would have done something like this to him. But now hearing Yoongi admit that he was raped breaks my heart.

I laid in the bed with him while  hugging him and telling him that everything will be alright, That know one will ever hurt him again, not even touch him, That I will do everything I can to protect him. I told him all that I could while he was slowly crying himself to sleep. After he had fell asleep, a doctor walked in.

"I'm sorry to intrude but visiting hours are over." I nodded and got up to leave, but I then felt arms tightened around my waist.

"Please don't leave me alone." Yoongi sobbed into my chest. I look towards the doctor silently asking if I could stay the night. The doctor sighed but allowed me to anyway.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi. So so sorry I couldn't help you earlier." I said before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to someone stroking my hair. My eyes were barley open when I looked up to see Yoongi smiling at me.

"Good morning Minie."

"Good morning Yoongi."I smiled lazily at him.
"Are you feeling better?" I asked seriously

He nodded. "Yea, better than last night.....T-Thank you for last night." He said snuggling his face in the crook of my neck.

"Your welcome. If you need anything you know I'm here for you Yoongi, I always will be." He smiled and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the door opening.

The door opened to reveal Yoonji and Jin, who looked like they were bickering about something. Jin rolled his eyes and laughed at whatever Yoonji said then faced us. Once he saw the state we were in, he squealed.

"Oh my god! Look at the both of you, SO CUTEEE!!" He fished out his phone to take a photo of us. I rolled my eyes at the way Jin was acting but smiled anyway. Once I looked to Yoonji, she gave me a knowing look, like she knew what was going on. I smiled  at her, pretty sure my face was a deep shad for red.

Yoongi looked at me confusingly.

"Did you tell them about us?" He whispered.

"Us?" I smirked. He still looked at me confused out of his mind.

"We aren't technically a 'thing' yet. You never asked me to be your boyfriend." I crossed my arms and pouted. Yoongi widen his eyes then laughed.

"Ohhh, well I'll make sure to ask you out when I get out of hospital." He said pinching my cheeks. Hearing another squeal we both looked over to Jin who was 'secretly' recording us.

"Hyung! Please turn it off~" I yelled hiding my face into Yoongis chest.

"Alright alright just give me a moment! One more....and we are done!" Jin giggled. Sometimes I wonder who's the real kid, is it Jin or Yoonji?

"How are you feeling yoongi?" Jin asked more seriously, taking a seat on the other side with Yoonji on his lap. I had felt Yoongi tense a little, which instantly made me grab his hand and squeeze it, to let him know that everything will be alright.

"Um f-fine. I'm a bit better now." Yoongi squeezed back. Jin nodded but the expression on his face showed that he didn't believe Yoongi. Jins like a mother to us, he senses when something isn't right or when we are not really fine, even if we say we are.

"Gi, when are you gonna get out of the hospital? Appa and I miss you. Especially appa! I mean I really miss you too but appa misses you the most-"

"Okay okay we get it Yoonji" I said embarrassed. Jin and Yoongi just laughed at me.

"I don't know when I'll be released from the hospital but I promise when I do, I'll come and visit yous." He said patting her head. She smiled her gummy smile and clapped her hands while jumping around.

"You got no other choice but to visit anyway." I whispered. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really now?" He whispered back. I nodded and giggled.

About two hours later we had to leave while the doctor ran some test on Yoongi, leaving us to wait in the waiting room.

"Jimin..." Jin turned to look at me.

"Yea hyung?"

"Are you and again?" He questioned. Shocked by the question, I hid my face in my hands, feeling heat rush to my face.

"N-Not exactly." I stuttered. Jin looked at me confused but gestured for me to continue.

"Well....we aren't yet-"

"Yet what do you mean yet- oh...." Jins eyes widen. "Did yous do it?!!" He whispered shouted.

"HYUNG!" I shouted causing people around us to stare at us. Thank god Yoonji was napping cause if she heard this, there would be many questions.

"So did yous!?" He said again. I didn't say anything and hid myself in the hoodie I was wearing. "So you did didn't yous!" He laughed loudly.

"Shut up hyung." I mumbled embarrassed as hell. He just laughed and said something that I could understand.
Currently at school and it's literally the worst two hours of my life. Having to sit next to the worlds biggest fucking smart ass is not fun. Apparently I'm "rich" and a "nerd" according to this little shit. He pisses me off to the point I wanna strangle him. Save me god please😞😞

Suffering// Yoonmin//sequel to cuts and scarsWhere stories live. Discover now