Chapter 30

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Last chapter is tomorrow~~

Jimins POV

Yoongi was released from hospital today, so I called up jin to see if he could pick us up, which he was able to do. As we were waiting for Jin, me and Yoongi were having chats about pointless things, untill he asked me something.

"Hey jiminie....would I be able to...stay over for a while? Just until I find a new place to stay." He added quickly.

"Of course you can! I wouldn't mind at all." I smiled. I was going to tell him that he could live with me if he wanted too, but I decided against it for now.

Yoongi smiled while grabbing my hand and interlocking them.

"I'll think about our date too." Yoongi smirked. I giggled and leaned my head on his shoulder. A few minutes later Jin pulled up in front of us, beeping the horn to get our attention.

"Hey lovebirds we don't have all day! The others are waiting at your house jiminie. Don't want them to break anything do you?" Jin laughed. Hearing that I quickly jumped up from the bench we were sitting at and pulled Yoongi in the back seat with me.

"You feeling better Yoongi?"Jin asked and smiled. Yoongi nodded and returned the smile.
The ride back was pretty quiet, only having small conversations here and there.

Once arriving at home, you could hear screams from inside the house and I instantly knew who it was. Running up to the door, I slammed it open to see Jungkook and Taehyung wrestling on the ground and Hoseok who I guess was trying to break them up. Hearing the door open, they all stoped what they were doing and stared up at me.

"What....are yous doing?" I asked calmly. They all smiled sheepishly, and stood up straight.

"Ahh P-Playing?" At that moment Yoongi and Jin came up behind me to see what was happening. Seeing Yoongi I was quickly pushed aside by all three idiots, bumping my head on the door.

"YOONGI!!! YOUR OKAY!" They all pulled Yoongi into a bone crushing hug.

"Yah! I'm fine! Get off me." Yoongi whined. While the idiots were outside with Yoongi, me and Jin walked in to try and find Namjoon.

As soon as we saw Namjoon both me and Jin screamed. Namjoon jumped at the sudden screaming, dropping the wooden spoon on the floor.

"NAMJOON! PLEASE BACK AWAY FROM THE KITCHEN STOVE SLOWLY!" Jin had said before i could. Namjoon threw his hands up in surrender, unfortunately whacking the pot handle, spilling what seemed to be soup.

"Namjoon Why!?!!" I face palmed. At this point we were all in the kitchen including Yoonji who must have came from her room.

"Excuse you jimin but I was actually doing well untill you and Jin hyung came out of know where and scared the living hell out of me!" We all stared at the wasted soup on the ground.

"I might as well clean it all up." Jin sighed, getting the equipment to clean it up with.

"Who even let Namjoon in the kitchen?" I raised an eyebrow at Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook. They all shook there heads saying no but then I felt a tug at my sleeve. Looking down, Yoonji was there biting her lip nervously.

"I-I asked Namjoon oppa to c-cook me something because I-i w-as hungry." She said, lips quivering.

"Oh baby don't cry! I'm not really mad, please don't cry! I was only joking around" I got down on my knees and hugged her. She nodded and hid her face in the crook of my neck. I picked her up and took her to the living room with Yoongi following behind.

"Jiminie go cook something, I'll play with Yoonji." He smiled happily and sat with her on the couch. Yoonji squealed and clanged onto Yoongis arm.

"Since when could you boss me around huh?" I crossed my arms. Yoongi smirked and stood up, faces just inches apart.

"Since whenever I want to. Why? Am I to mean?" Looking down, my shoes were suddenly the only thing that was interesting at the moment.

"I-I'll just go get cooking." I quickly made my way in the kitchen where jin was cleaning the mess.

"Sorry hyung, I should have helped-"

"Ah don't worry about it jimin, Namjoon is my responsibility." Jin laughed. I smile and got in the floor to help him with what was leftover to clean.

After cleaning both me and Jin were cooking for everyone since they all came nagging that they were hungry. As Jin was preparing the table I felt arms wrap around my wait, making me jump.

"Calm down it's just me" Yoongi laughed and nuzzled his face in my neck. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder remembering something similar like this happening before....before the accident. I turned my head to face him and kissed his jaw. He looked down at me and laughed.

"What was that for?" He questioned. I shook my head and lay my head back in his shoulder.

"No reason, just wanted too." I said while mixing around the soup me and Jin were cooking. Unlike Namjoon, we haven't spilled anything luckily.

Suddenly Yoongi had pulled my head to look at him again but this time facing straight in front of him. He seemed to hesitate before crashing our lips together. It wasn't rough or forced. It was slow and passionate. I smiled into the kiss and kissed him back just as desperate as he was. I felt him bring his hands to my waist and push me softly against the counter.

"Ahm guys? Little Yoonji would like to keep her innocent mind and not be scarred for life." I suddenly pulled away to see everyone even Yoonji, who's eyes were being covered by jungkook, standing near the kitchen table watching us. Both me and Yoongi were dying of embarrassment as our faces were dark red.

"I-I-I'm just g-gonna get back to c-cooking." I quickly spun around and got back to what I was doing earlier, hearing everyone laughing made me go even more red before laughing along with them.

Suffering// Yoonmin//sequel to cuts and scarsWhere stories live. Discover now