Chapter 1- First Day Back

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A/N Hey everyone! klypso01 here, and this is going to be great! People say this all the time, but this is my first fanfiction so any feedback would be great. I don't really have much to say, so we'll jump right in.

Oh, and I in no way own any of the characters from OHSHC, that belongs to Bisco Hatori, and the picture belongs to someone else as well, I only own Risa and her family! Enjoy!




"It just had to be pink, didn't it?" I grumble to myself as I walk into the school. I know I came here last year, but apparently the break made it so I would have to get use to the extremely flamboyant school all over again. And no, I wasn't just talking about the colors either, the people often matched the school with their flamboyance.

"KYOOOYYYAA!!!" I flinched as Tamaki Suoh, one of those extremely flamboyant people I had been mentioning, barreled past me, launching himself at the tall black-haired shadow king in question. "Can you believe it Kyoya? We are already back and in our second year! Oh, I can't believe how time flies, and now this year will be even better than last, don't you think-"

"Tamaki, I am glad to see you, but would you please get off me? I saw you only two days ago, which hasn't been enough time to warrant this kind of reaction." The shadow king glared at the blond, who sheepishly climbed off his back. "Now, why don't you say hello to the girls who are waiting, and then we need to go to class or we'll be late." Kyoya dusted himself off and turned towards Tamaki expectantly.

I had been calling Kyoya Ootori the Shadow King since I met him in middle school; he was always lurking in the shadows, and he seemed to notice everything. If I'm being honest, he kind of scares me. I feel like if I catch his attention, then he will learn everything about me, which is the last thing I want.

"Hello my princesses, and welcome to another beautiful year at Ouran! As always, the Host club will be open after school for your pleasure; and as always, it would be our privilege to see you ladies there!" Tamaki dipped down into a dramatic bow before turning and following his friend into the classroom. The squeal that followed him from the "princesses" was enough to make any sensible animal run for cover; sadly, sense was in short supply here.

I sighed and turned down a empty hallway, enjoying my last few minutes of peace before I entered the zoo known as 2A. For someone like me, situations like that fiasco with Tamaki were hell, pure and simple. I sighed "But anything is better than going home right now, right? I mean, It's not like I'm in any form of danger,' I shook my head and chuckled, 'At least not physically, I think I may have lost a few brain cells back there." Just thinking about going back there made my jaw clench, but I couldn't afford to be late the first day back from break.

I groaned and pushed myself off the wall that I had been leaning on and started walking back towards the classroom. 'Ryuki, I wish you would have been here, you would've gotten a bigger kick out of that than I did. Heck, you might have even joined Tamaki in flirting with all the girls! Take care of Mom for me while I can't be with you guys, okay bud?'

I slipped inside the classroom right as the bell rang and walked to my seat in the back corner; I had to stop myself from wincing as the seat dug uncomfortably into the sore areas on my back. The teacher walked in and started class, "Welcome back class, I'm glad to see you've all made it back for another year, now today we will be talking about-"

Thanks to the monotone done of the teacher, I was able to zone out fairly quickly, and I stealthily pulled out the book I was reading from my bag and opened it to where I had left off earlier. As expected, the world of the book pulled me in, and soon I was fighting the French along with the Scarlet Pimpernel. A sigh once again escaped my lips as I read, the world inside of a book was so much more colorful than the real world, why couldn't I just slip into the pages and join the characters I love so much?

Suddenly I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder, and I jerked my head up, the color draining from my face. "Class is over Miss Soretzu." My teacher stood in front of me, looking at my face in concern as I nodded and jumped up, trying to force a smile onto my face as I gathered my things. "While I always appreciate seeing a student enjoying classic literature Miss Soretzu, I would appreciate it if you made a bit more effort to pay attention in class."

"Gomen sir." I muttered quietly and slipped out of the class, releasing the breath that I didn't realize I had been holding since my teacher had touched my shoulder. Having haphephobia, or the fear of being touched, really sucked in a school like this. "Well, at least it's getting better than it was" I muttered to myself as I headed to the library where I always spent my lunch period. There was a time when I would have had a panic attack if someone had done what the teacher just did.

As I rounded a corner, I abruptly found myself falling on the floor. Blinking, I looked around and saw a someone else on the floor... A girl? I couldn't tell, she was wearing clothes that made it much more difficult to guess at the gender, though I was about 80% positive that it was a girl I just ran into.

"Gomen senpai, I wasn't looking where I was going!" The student apologized as she held out her hand to me, offering her help. I quickly shook my head and got up, ignoring her hand. She was a girl; her voice definitely proves that!

"No need to apologize, my head was in the clouds, so I am just as much at fault; and you don't need to call me senpai." I said quietly, once again ignoring a hand she held out to shake.

"Oh, well my name is Haruhi Fujioka, and I am in class 1A, what about you?"

"Risa Soretzu, class 2A" An awkward silence came over both of us. "So, um," I slipped out trying to think of something, anything to say. "I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," she said with a smile, "I was going to go to the library after school to study; this may sound really odd, but would you like to join me Risa-senpai?"

My automatic reaction was to refuse and say I needed to be home; but this way I would have a good excuse to not go home right after school, which is always a plus for me. "Okay, but only if you drop the senpai; otherwise, no deal."

She laughed lightly, "I'll try Risa-san."

"Good enough for now, I guess. Could I meet you outside of Library 1 after school?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure, that works, I'll see you then Risa-san!" she walked away and I looked after her. 'What just happened? I normally would never have agreed to do that, what is it about that girl?'  I walked down the hallway thinking about what could come out of this. It could be good or bad, I just hadn't decided yet.


A/N Woohoo!!! First chapter done! Thanks for reading, and let me know what you thought! I hopefully will get the next chapter out soon ;)

~ klypso01

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