Chapter 28- Aaannndd They're Back...

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A/N Sorry about the picture, I saw this while I was looking for a pic for this chapter, and it cracked me up, because this is my view of Lobelia! Oh, and sorry for the heart attack last chapter, I wanted to play around with the idea of Risa and Kyoya having a fight. I used to get stress dreams, so I based it off that in a way.


It was just supposed to be an ordinary day, but of course it couldn't stay that way, I just had to be kidnapped by those idiot girls... I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. They had me tied up in the corner of their club room while Haruhi was kneeling nervously besides me, trying to undo the knots before the girls came back, she was supposed to be changing into a Lobelia uniform, but we both decided that this was more important.

The morning had started with a knock on the door as Haruhi and I were getting ready to go to town for some groceries. Haruhi answered it and of course she invited those she-devils in, but when they told us that we were coming with them, whether or not we wanted to or not, I flipped out.

By the time they managed to get me under control, they all had several bruises and I had knocked the youngest one unconscious; which explains the bonds. They threw us in the car and took us to Lobelia, then told Haruhi to get changed, and that I would be allowed to change when they were there to make sure I didn't do anything.

"Where are our guests?" I heard one of them ask and I turned to Haruhi, who looked slightly panicked. I smiled at her and pulled her into a reassuring hug.

One of the attendants answered, "In the changing rooms of course." The curtain

"Oh dear Maiden I mean Haruhi, why haven't you changed into your uniform? I'm sure that you'll look simply divine." The middle one said and I snorted.

"Well, never mind that, now that we're here Risa can change into hers as well, we'll wait out here, please come out when you both are finished." Benibara said authoritatively. 

After we had both finished changing, we walked out into the main room to be attacked by the Zuka club, who were all fawning over how adorable we were. "You look absolutely beautiful!" "Like you were pulled straight from the pages of a fairy tale." The younger two exclaimed and I couldn't help but give a soft smile at their exuberance.

Benibara jumped in, "Oh my dears, it appears that you were both destined for those uniforms; it is most befitting two innocent girls like you, still unfamiliar with young love's first tender kiss." I wanted to tell her my first real kiss was given to Kyoya a while ago, but I had a feeling that us not having our fist kisses was important, so I kept my mouth shut to see where this went.

They went on like this for a bit longer until Haruhi was fed up with them, "Will you just stop for a minute? Get off us! Now, why are we here? I'm slightly confused because one second, Risa and I are getting ready to go to the store, and the next, we're being shoved in a car!"

I nodded then added to Haruhi's thought, "Exactly, we deserve an explanation. Geez, you guys have about as much subtly as the Host club does." Haruhi nodded in agreement from besides me, but the Lobelia girls looked like we had just offended everything they believed in.

"How dare you compare us to those Neanderthals!" Benibara exclaimed, "We are more refined than those oafs in every way!" She took a deep breath, then continued, "Please forgive my outburst, I understand how shocking this must be for you both, we did, after all, whisk you away in your nightshirts."

Both Haruhi and I were offended by that last part, "Those weren't pajamas ya know. That just happens to be the way I usually dress." Haruhi said and I agreed.

"Does rudeness come with the territory when your rich?"

They totally ignored my comment and Benibara continued as though nothing had happened, "All theatrics aside maidens, we have a favor to ask of you. As you may know, one of the responsibilities of the Zuka club happens to be putting on regular performances of musical numbers and original plays."

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