Chapter 17- The Duet

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A/N This is the duet that Tamaki and Risa play, if you haven't been able to tell, I love the music from Your Lie in April! This is such a fun duet and it fits their relationship really well. I hope that anyone out there who isn't rooting for Tamaki and Risa can forgive me, because this chapter will have undertones of RiMaki.


I sat on a couch in the Ootori's home and stared off into space, ever since I had passed out at the resort, Kyoya had been keeping an extremely close eye on me; I understood why he was doing it, but that didn't mean that I wasn't irritated by it. I was currently waiting for Kyoya's Father to come in and talk to me; I had requested that we not talk while in his office, I knew that if we were to go in there, then I probably wouldn't be able to function well.

I heard the door open and looked up from the book I had been staring at and stood when I saw who had come in. "Mr. Ootori," he simply nodded to my seat, indicating that I should sit. I fell into the chair as gracefully as I could on shaky legs and he sat across from me.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I've asked to talk to you Miss Soretzu." He was looking at me expectantly and I nodded my head, unsure if I would be able to get anything out past the knot in my throat. "well, I'll get right down to it, so that we can get done with this. When your Father sold his company, it made the rounds in the market for a while and it hasn't had a solid management since it was sold, and I would like to make a proposal to you."

I tilted my head in curiosity, 'Where are you going with this, Mr. Ootori?'  He smirked, "You see, I was made aware of the situation your Father was in, and while his methods of running the company were flawed, there was great potential for success. I would like to extend the offer to you to run your family's company, under the direction of the Ootori group. You would be doing it with the help of professionals that would hire to help you get your footing in the business world, but you would be the official head of the company."

Now I was really confused, "Before I give you my answer, why would you want me to head the company? There are many people who would be far more qualified, I have no experience in any of these matters."

"Miss Soretzu, I know this, and I have my reasons. I am not going to let you in on all of them right now, but I will inform you that the business world is very different from the one we live in; it is ruthless, and there are rules that one must abide by. For example, the Ootori's specialize in the medical field, and if we suddenly came out with a technology branch, that would be bad for our image. I think that branching out into the technology field would be good for us, but in order to prosper most from it, we would need another person that isn't directly under our control to be in charge of it."

"I chose you because of the image that that would provide, the daughter of the original owner coming to save her family's business, would be very marketable, and would give it a leg up in the market's competition. I would expect you to do your best, and I wouldn't have offered this position to you if I didn't think that you would be able to excel. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders."

It seemed to me that I didn't have all the facts, "What would I get out of it? I mean, it seems pretty risky to put my name on a venture like this, if I were to fail, then I would be the one to face the greatest consequences, which isn't exactly a cheerful prospect."

His glasses glinted as he pushed them up, much like Kyoya's did when he wanted to appear intimidating. "Well of course I would be giving you a share of the profits, and you would be getting a first-rate education out of it for free. I have no intention of forcing you to do this, but it would be smart to at least consider what this would do for you if you were to do well."

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