Chapter 30- This is Our Ouran Fair

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Oh my gosh, I feel like this song is my and Risa's goodbye, I feel like I'm going to cry right now, but I just want to thank you for everything, the 32K reads, the 1.6K votes and the hundreds of comments that made me smile and laugh. Thank you for going on this journey with me and thank you for loving the story as much as I have! I never thought I would write a book, but doing this has been amazing! There will probably be one more section, but that will just be me advertising my other stories and getting advice on some things! I love you guys!


I took a deep breath as we sat together in thee rose maze, "Kyoya, yesterday your Father pulled me into his office and he made an agreement with me." As expected, my boyfriend was completely silent, just watching me in concern, "I didn't want to do it without talking to you, but he threatened me that he would find someone else to come in and take the position from me. I tried to get him to ask you first, but he wouldn't."

I tried to continue, but my breath kept catching in my throat, "Breath Risa, it's okay, just tell me what happened and I swear I won't be mad at you." He said calmingly and I took a deep breath.

"Kyoya, your Father wants to merge our family companies and he said that the easiest way to do that would be through an arranged marriage. He told me that if I didn't sign, he could easily find someone to take my place and marry you instead. I didn't want to, but I signed a contract that said we were engaged." My head drooped, "I'm so sorry, I know that you wanted do things your way, but if I didn't do that, I would lose you."

I heard him chuckle above me and my head jerked up and I glared at him, I was pouring my heart out to him and he chuckled?! "I'm sorry Risa, I don't mean to laugh, but I have been expecting this for a while. I knew that there was no way that my Father would let me continue to date someone unless they had a use for him, and this seemed like the most probable explanation."

I continued to look at him in shock, "You mean, you knew that this was coming the whole time?" I asked cautiously.

"Well, I wouldn't say that I knew, but it was likely, I didn't want to freak you out, so I decided not to say anything until it was official, I'm sorry if this caused you stress."

"So, you mean you're not upset that we're going to get married?" I asked and he hugged me closely, kissing the top of my head.

"Risa, I can honestly say that there is no one that I would rather marry, I actually want to be around you for reasons other than my own gain, and I feel like I can smile and just be myself around you. I have never felt this way about anyone else. I know this sounds like something that Tamaki would say, but I am glad you are the one that I'll be spending the rest of my life with, because You are a light to me and I never want to see that fade." He rested his forehead on mine and whispered that last part.

Before I knew it, he was on one knee in front of me, "Risa, I don't want to marry you just because my Father told me to, I want you to know that I am doing this because I want to. I don't have a ring yet, but I'll get one eventually; Risa Soretzu, will you marry me?" I burst into tears at that question and launched myself off the seat.

"A thousand times yes! You saved me from Hell and now I get to join you, why would I say no?" We hugged each other tightly and slowly moved to kiss; before our lips could touch, I heard a cheering from a little way away. We looked and saw the whole Host club standing there with Renge, yelling their heads off.

"Of course, those idiots would interrupt this moment." Kyoya grumbled and I just giggled, this was how I liked things, with my whole family surrounding me.

"We never thought he actually would do it! Hikaru, you owe me ten thousand yen!" Kaoru yelled gleefully and Hikaru just scowled at him. The others were talking excitedly, but then I noticed someone missing. I stood up and walked over to the group.

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