Chapter 13- Missing

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Third Person POV

The Hosts were all gathered quietly in the club room, the air held a note of tension that made all the Hosts uncomfortable. Kyoya was the first one to break the silence, "It's been a little over a week since any of us have seen or heard from Risa, does anyone have any information on what could be happening?"

Out of all of the Hosts, Honey and Mori looked the most serious, "I don't know what happened to Ri-chan, but when she stopped showing up for our practices, I tried to call her, but her phone went straight to voicemail." Honey's face had none of the Lolita that girls loved, this situation was taking a toll on all of them, and the cousins felt it most keenly because of the amount of time they spent with Risa; they both saw her as a sister, and she felt the same way about them.

"Wait, you have her phone number? Why did my daughter give you it, but not her own Father?" Tamaki whined, looked utterly depressed at the notion that Risa had chosen Honey over him.

Hikaru raised his hand and said, "She gave it to us too, boss." "Yeah, we've tried it almost every day, we wanted to invite her to Hiro's piano recital last night." Kaoru chimed in, then they looked at each other and Hikaru said thoughtfully, "It was weird though, when she asked to exchange numbers, she looked really sad and said that it was just in case something happened."

"Really? That's the same thing she said when we exchanged numbers!" Haruhi looked shocked and Honey and Mori just nodded, indicating that the same thing had happened to them.

"You mean that I am the only one who was not given my daughter's phone number? This is so sad, probably the worst day of my life!" Tamaki receded to his corner and was about to start growing mushrooms when Kyoya snapped at him.

"Tamaki, this is not the right time to overreact. The point is that we have all tried to get ahold of her with no luck. I was almost expecting her to be out of school for a little while, but this level of detachment is concerning."

"Wait, why did you expect her to be out of school?" Haruhi was gazing curiously, and perhaps a bit suspiciously at Kyoya.

"Her Father had to sell their family company recently. Apparently, he owed debts to the wrong people and so he must have been getting desperate. As of last week, the Soretzu family fortune was depleted and they declared bankruptcy." When Kyoya said this, everyone was shocked. They had had no idea that the Soretzu family was in such a precarious position.

"Why didn't you tell us this earlier, Kyoya? We could have gone over there and offered our comfort." Tamaki burst out, "We are her family, we need to be there to help her!"

"I didn't tell you for precisely that reason. We all know that Risa is a secretive person, and us bursting into her home would not have helped her situation. I have kept tabs on the family, and her Father has been seen multiple time throughout this last week trying to recover some of his losses."

"But there has been no sign of her?" Hikaru asked and Kyoya nodded, once again the twins exchanged worried looks and Kaoru went on, "Something doesn't feel right here. It's not like Risa to just disappear without telling anyone."

"Yeah, we were going to do a review the day she vanished, and she seemed to be excited for that." Honey looked down, sad at the thought of his friend leaving them behind.

"Not quite." Everyone looked in shock at Mori, who hadn't said anything up until now, "She was distracted."

"Oh, that's right, and the day before that she mentioned something about being worried that her Father was coming home. She mentioned that they didn't have the best relationship. But it seemed like she wasn't telling us everything." Honey frowned as he remembered the conversation.

"She wasn't; she wouldn't make eye contact and her talking sped up, she was lying about something." Everyone except Honey looked at Mori in shock as he talked.

The twins whispered to each other, "That's the most I've ever heard him speak." "Yeah, he seems really worked up about this whole thing."

Tamaki and Haruhi nodded in agreement, but Kyoya was lost in thought. He then mused quietly, "Some scars lie deeper than others and those will take longer to heal." Everyone looked at him curiously and he continued, "That was something that she said to me that day. She also seemed rather shook up, so I pulled her aside. I assumed that it was just what the twins had said about her the day before," He glared at the twins who shrunk away guiltily, "but then she said that. I'm not afraid to admit that she could be in some sort of trouble, and It could have something to do with her Father."

As he finished, Tamaki stood up and proclaimed, "Alright men and Haruhi, it is time for a new operation, Operation Save Risa! We need to go to her home and help her out of whatever situation she's in so that she can come back to us! What do you say, are you with me?"

Honey and the twins jumped up and saluted Tamaki, "Yes, sir!" Haruhi simply sighed but nodded, and Kyoya pulled out his phone to call for his limo to come pick them up. The Hosts walked quickly out of the room, excited to go see their friend again.

Little did they know that they were not prepared for what they were walking into.


AAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!! I am so excited right now! This is definitely a short chapter, but it certainly sets things up, doesn't it? And they haven't even found her yet! What do you guys think is going to happen? At this moment, I don't even know, so let's find out, shall we?


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