Chapter 24- The Trial Pt. 2

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By the time I finally was able to go back to the court room, they were getting ready to sentence my Father. I hadn't realized that I had been gone for that long, but it was pretty obvious that I had been in no shape to be there longer. I took a deep breath as I entered and slipped into my seat. The entire room was silent as people waited for the jury to decide the sentence and though I knew that this process could take a while, I still leaned forward slightly in anticipation.

Finally, the judge cleared his throat and began to speak, "Hiroto Soretzu, after viewing the evidence and much deliberation, this court finds you... guilty of all charges which include, but are not limited to; money laundering, statutory rape, aggrieved assault, and child abuse. You are hereby sentenced to 30 years in prison and a fine of ¥50,000."

Okay, I just want to say, that I spent a little over an hour researching the typical sentencing laws in Japan, and this is roughly what I found. If I was way off base with what his sentence would have been, considering his crimes, please let me know! Learning about this is interesting and I want the story to roughly reflect real life!

When I heard these words, I had no idea what to do, it just wouldn't register that I was free. My Father would never be able to hurt me again and I could finally move on. There was no cheering or anything that you see on the movies when the bad guy gets sentenced; it was just quiet and the only sounds were people getting up and my Father being cuffed and led away.

I felt someone grab my arm and help me stand up and all I could do was to follow whoever itt was as we walked outside where I was engulfed in a hug. "You're free Risa-chan, you're free!" I recognized the voice as Honey's and I put my hand on his head, showing recognition. As the other voices chimed in I finally broke out of my stupor, I let out a sob, and I probably would have collapsed if the Host's hadn't been there to pull me back up.

"I'm free, I don't have to worry about this anymore." I murmured and a shaky laugh/sob ripped it's way out of my throat; I reached out for my friends and they were there, just like they always were and I pulled them all close and they responded by squeezing me tightly. "Guys? Let's go back to school, let's go open up the Host club."

I almost laughed at the shock on their faces and with their help, I stood up, "Are you sure you want to go back to school, Risa?" Haruhi asked, "I mean, that was very traumatic for you, and none of us want to push you to far."

"Yes, I want to go. Ouran is one of my safe places, the only place that I have always felt safe from my Father before I met you guys, and my constant refuge. Playing the piano at the Host club has honestly saved my sanity, so of course I want to go there now that I am totally free!"

As I said this, I saw Tamaki wipe a tear out of the corner of my eye; I only had a small idea as to why that would affect him so much, but I had a feeling that it had something to do with the fact that both Tamaki and I saw the Host club as a refuge, and that we were both most comfortable when we were with our family there. I smiled at his, nd he returned it, and for that moment, we knew exactly what the other was thinking.


Back at the club, I was surrounded by girls asked about what had happened; the trial wasn't exactly a surprise, it had been well broadcasted over the media, and since the Ootori's had gotten involved, it was obviously big news in the school. I smiled politely, but honestly, I just wanted to talk about something else.

Since I obviously wasn't going to get any peace, I walked over to the piano and sat down, thinking of what I could play. "Risa-san?" A quiet voice called out from behind me; I turned around, ready to dismiss whoever had come to talk to me, but the girl I saw was someone who I had talked to regularly and she had always seemed really fond of me.

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