Chapter 25- Overload

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A/N Okay, I basically figured out what I'm going to do, I will do gradual time skips to get through the rest of the season, which will probably include 5 more episodes. Let me know which episodes you guys want included in book, beside the Ouran Fair, and I'll do my best to make it work!


I collapsed in bed at the end of another day, between Martial training with Honey, my host club duties, and the business lessons, I was getting to the point where I forgot what it felt like to be well rested. Oh, I almost forgot that Kyoya took me on at least one date a week, though that was the farthest thing from a burden.

When I had gotten home today, Haruhi and I had talked for over an hour about what the other Hosts did to try and help that poor Nekozawa. I could help but laugh as she told me about the cheesy lines they were trying to get him to say so that he would overcome his fear of the light.

'Seriously though, in what world does it make sense that a character make over will get rid of a deeply engrained fear that has existed for years? They certainly didn't try that with me, thank heavens; I think they understood my situation a little bit better, but whatever I guess. So long as neither Kirimi nor Nekozawa are mentally scarred, it should turn out okay.'

I continued to giggle to myself about that until I drifted off to sleep, at the same time, I was remembering all of my crazy schedule for the next day.


Honey and I were exchanging blows as we talked happily, I had been practicing with these two for months, and I was finally getting to the point where I could last more than a minute in a sparring match with them. "Risa?" I heard him ask from above me when he pinned me.

"Yeah, Mitzukuni?" I replied and accepted his help getting up.

"You seem really stressed lately, what's going on?" I smiled at him and Mori, who was agreeing with his cousin from the sidelines with a nod.

"I should have known that you would be the ones to see through my mask, you always seem to have been able to do that." I said gently and walked to my bag, where I grabbed a towel and wiped my face.

"I just worry, I mean, last time I felt like you were overly stress or worried, I ignored it for the most part and you ended up in the hospital. I never want that to happen again." he said solemnly and I nodded, sitting down with a sigh.

"It really isn't anything big, things have just been a little hectic for me, and it's wearing me down a bit." I said as casually as I could, I wanted to be honest with them, but I also didn't want them worrying about me unnecessarily.

"What all is on your plate right now?" Mori asked and I grimaced.

"Oh, you know; this, school, the Host club, and I also have my business lessons every evening right after the Host club. I don't usually get home until around eight or nine every evening, and when I leave for school at five in the morning, it makes for a long day every day. The you add to that the fact that Mr. Ootori has decided that I am ready to start handling most of the business on my own, it is more than a little taxing."

I leaned against a nearby wall and closed my eyes, "Ri-chan, do you get enough sleep?" I cocked my eyebrow at the odd question.

"I guess so?" I said hesitantly, now that I thought about it, the amount of sleep I had gotten over the last few days was pretty negligible, but I got all my duties done, so I didn't mind the five hours of sleep that I usually ended up getting.

"Well that didn't sound very reassuring." Honey grumbled and I giggled a little, "Ri-chan, I'm worried that you are overloading yourself. The schedule you have right now isn't healthy at all, and if you keep trying to stretch yourself, you very well could end up breaking."

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