Chapter 29- The Ouran Fair

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We are approaching the end guys. I'm gonna miss this book, but I'm excited at the same time, hold on to your pants, cause this is gonna get crazy!


I sat in Mr. Ootori's office nervously, it had been a couple of months since I had taken over my family's company, and things were going pretty well. Despite the fact that I was going to school, dating Kyoya, and running a business, I was fine mentally and I any nightmares I had about the past were slowly subsiding.

Today had me really nervous though, I had known for a week that Mr. Ootori wanted to talk to me, but he said nothing about what, so I was left to imagine the worst, which was pretty bad for me.

The door opened behind me and the man that I was so nervous to see walked in and greeted me as he always did, with a head nod. We sat across from each other and he jumped in, "Well miss Soretzu, I've been watching the business, and I must say that I'm impressed. I didn't expect you to do this well. Your family business is thriving and though there are some things I would like you to work on later, I couldn't be happier with how this is going."

"Thank you, sir." I said quietly, then continued hesitantly, "Sir, if I may be so bold, if all you had wanted was to talk about business, you could have done that through an email, why did you really ask me in here?"

"You always have been one to get straight to the point, I have always admired that about you; very well, I want to merge your company with the Ootori's medical company. I see a great deal of benefit if we do that; you see, despite the fact that you technically report to me, if we merged the two companies, then there would be a freer trade between them and less regulations would get in the way." I nodded, I'm sure he had been wanting to do this all along.

"Okay sir, that makes sense, but what would that mean for me?" I could sense a catch and it made me nervous.

"It's nothing major, you would remain in charge of your portion of the company, but the merger would require something a bit more permanent to bind it. The most usual method of doing this is through a marriage."

... I blinked, trying to absorb what he had just said... WHAT?!?!? "A m-marriage, sir?" What was happening with the world?

"Well yes, anything else would require you being replaced, which would be a hassle for me. so I would like to sign a marriage agreement between you and Kyoya, unless of course you would prefer my middle son?" When he asked this, he had a giant smirk on his face, but I could do nothing, I was frozen to my seat and was just trying to comprehend what he told me.

"Miss Soretzu? I know this is sudden, but I truly believe that this would be best for both of our companies, let me grab the paperwork and we can get started."

I finally felt my body start to work again, "Wait sir, what about what Kyoya wants?" I almost yelled as he started to stand.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Kyoya is well aware that my greatest use for him would be a profitable marriage. I'm sure he is prepared for this eventuality," I wanted to strangle the man, did he really only see his son as a pawn to be bartered off? "Anyways, I wouldn't have used you for this if I hadn't thought that you two would be able to work together, honestly, it is just a pleasant surprise that you have done so well."

It was to much to take in, I knew that Mr. Ootori was a bit cold hearted, but I didn't expect this from him, I wanted to believe that he didn't mean it, but I knew better.

"Well Miss Soretzu, here is the paperwork, if you'd just sign here, then you will officially be engaged to my son, we can figure out the specifics later." My mind was numb, I picked up the pen, but froze as I started to write my name.

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