Chapter 4- Father

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A/N Okay so, if you hadn't guessed, the picture is Risa's father, Hiroto; it isn't the original picture I used, but that one wasn't showing for some reason, thank you pinterest for the picture! There might be some content in this chapter that some...

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A/N Okay so, if you hadn't guessed, the picture is Risa's father, Hiroto; it isn't the original picture I used, but that one wasn't showing for some reason, thank you pinterest for the picture! There might be some content in this chapter that some people may find disturbing, just an fyi, so watch out. I'm not sure how detailed this will be, but there won't be anything crazy in here. Also, Risa's past with her father is dark in more ways than one, and this will hint to that, so good luck.

Also, Nothing about Ouran is mine, that belongs to its creator, and while I'm at it, none of the pictures are mine either.


"Father, you asked to see me?" I quietly said, praying that this would be a short conversation, and that nothing would happen besides conversation.

"You're late." My father glared at me from across his desk, "I know that I told you that you were to come home directly after school, so what could have possibly happened that would make you disobey me?"

I swallowed, frightened at the tone my father was using, he was in a particularly bad mood today "I was actually studying for one of my classes Father.  Well, I was studying, and then I was invited to join a club."

"You? Join a club? Who in their right mind would want a worthless girl like you in their club? Perhaps they are blind, or maybe they are just stupid." Father says the last part almost as if he is talking to himself.

"Actually Father, there are several very influential people in this club," I said this quietly. If I can just get him to agree to letting me join, I'll have an extra hour of freedom after school. I rushed on, making sure he wouldn't interrupt me. "There are members of the Suoh, Ootori, Hitachiin, Haninozuka, and Morinozuka families in this club Father."

Father froze, obviously not expecting me to name off some of the most powerful families in the country. "And they invited you to join? I can't fathom why such important people would do that, but this provides an important opportunity." The look on his face bothered me, it was oddly eager and rather sadistic. "Well then my dear, it seems you have become unexpectedly useful. You will be in the good graces of these boys, and I don't care how you do it. You are to do whatever will make them happy, even if what they want, is you." As he was speaking, My Father stood up, came over to me, and lifted my chin with his fingers. "After all, that is one of the few things you are actually useful for." I nearly gagged at how my Father said those words, but he wasn't done yet.

"Perhaps I should give you a little taste of what would happen to you if you were to do something to displease these boys." Without warning he rammed his fist into my stomach. I bent over as a gasp escaped my mouth, though I refused to let any other sounds of pain escape me, I would not be that weak.

Father grabbed my throat and forcefully pushed me against the door, his hand strategically placed so any bruises he caused would be covered by my uniform. 'Risa, you shouldn't have been born. If you weren't, my wife and son would still be here and we would be happy; sadly, they were taken from me, and you were left behind. Up until now I have found no purpose in your existence, so if you fail me in this simple task, I will have to find a suitable punishment." At this point I was choking and weird sounds were coming out of my throat, I knew what he would do to me if I failed, and the thought of it caused my heart to stop beating for a moment. I struggled against his hands, accidentally clawing him in the process. "Do you really think that is wise move, girl?" He growled, and threw me onto the ground. I immediately started coughing and tried to crawl away, but there was no escape. My eyes starting watering, but I would not cry, not in this man's presence.

"Do you really think you can escape? You are as stupid as you look." His foot swung out and connected with my already sore stomach, then he pulled his foot back and the blows kept coming. "You really are good for nothing except being a whore. Remember your place Risa, because for the rest of your life you be looking up at men from at their feet." He leaned down and lifted me up forcefully by my arm, and I cried out; I couldn't help it, it was too painful. "I wish you could stay Risa, because I am very stressed and could use some help loosening up, but I'm afraid I can't tonight. Now get out of my sight." And with that he threw me towards the door.

I grasped the handle and fled the room as fast as I could. Getting to my bedroom took quite a bit of time, because of the state I was in. Luckily, he avoided my legs, so I wouldn't have too much of an issue walking around school tomorrow, but breathing hurt. If I had to guess, I would say he bruised at least one rib, and I knew I would have a whole slew of bruises to deal with tomorrow; I just had to hope that my acting skills were up to par, because otherwise my secret would be out, and I didn't want to know what my father would do to me if that happened.

Once I made It back to my room, I looked at the time and it was still early; weird, after what just happened, it feels like it should be later. I sighed as I sat on my bed, wincing as my body adjusted with some difficulty. As I finally calmed down a little, the tears started coming. This was not an unusual event for me, but every time the words my Father used against me cut a little deeper. He didn't need to tell me that the death of my Mother and little brother was my fault, I knew that already. It pounded in my head every day, leaving me feeling empty inside, but I knew I had to fight it. As much as I wanted to, giving up was not an option; I still wanted to live my life, find freedom, and know what it's like to smile genuinely with no pain.

I wanted more than anything to make Tamaki's wish for me to find joy in the touch of another human being a reality, but from where I was, none of that looked possible. The tears just kept coming, you would think that by now I would have no tears left to cry, but they seemed to have no limit. I laid back and curled myself around my pillow as my silent tears turned to sobs. I felt hopeless, and so alone, 'Someone, anyone, please help me. I can't do this much longer.'


It took a while, but the tears eventually stopped, and my sobs evened out to deep breaths. I knew I couldn't eat with my stomach hurting the way it was, so I let go and allowed the inviting darkness to take me in.


A/N I told you it was going to be dark! We finally starting to see some of Risa's issues coming forward, but soon we'll start to see more of the Host club coming in. Quick question, who do you want Risa to end up with? I'm kind of stuck between Kyoya, Tamaki, or maybe one of the twins... Let me know!

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