Chapter 15- A New Start

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A/N Hahahaha, sorry, once again the pic has nothing to do with the chapter, but come on, this is like the most accurate thing ever! Also, sorry for the delay in posting, writer's block in a pain in the butt...


Third Person POV

We completed our examination of Miss Soretzu as you asked, Mr. Ootori. A nurse stood in front of the intimidating teenage, as he pushed up his glasses.

"Well, what are the results?"

"as you suspected sir, there is evidence of long term abuse, both physical and sexual, if we had to guess we would say that this has been going on for at least a year, and probably longer than that."

The Hosts were all gather around the nurse and Honey looked at the nurse sadly, "Will Ri-chan be okay miss nurse?"

She smiled at the third-year boy fondly, "Yes of course, Mr. Haninozuka. Physically she will be all healed up in a couple of weeks, the worst thing that was done was a couple of fractured ribs. Her mental state is another story. She has yet to wake up, but when she does she will definitely need counselling. I can't imagine what that poor girl has gone through."

She shook her head sadly, "To be honest, it's a miracle that she has survived this long even if you just look at the physical damage. Oh well, I have to get back to my patients, but you are all okay to go in and see her, she is in a stable condition, just sleeping for right now."

 With that she turned and walked away and the Hosts filed into the room that Risa was in. "Kyoya, what happened to Risa's dad?" Hikaru asked.

"My private police force has him in custody, and now we are only waiting on the sentencing. Hopefully that will take place as soon as Risa is able to do it."

Kaoru frowned at the thought of Risa facing her father again, "Does she really need to testify? Won't that be really hard for her?"

"If we want to stop Hiroto from ever hurting Risa again, then yes. Otherwise the only evidence we have is the little we saw; that would lead to a conviction, but it would be much less severe. Believe me Kaoru, I don't like the idea of this either." Kyoya sat in a chair that was on the edge of the room with a sigh. All the Hosts had obvious signs of exhaustion; this whole ordeal had taken a lot out of them, but it was almost over.

They were just starting to relax when a moan came from the bandage covered girl. Their heads jerked towards her, waiting for any other sign of life. Risa's breathing sped up and she began mumbling something right before her eyes fluttered open.

Risa's POV

I could feel myself being dragged towards consciousness and I fought it with everything I had, 'Was it a dream? Was I rescued, or will I open my eyes and be in my basement still? Oh, please let them really have come for me.' These thoughts swirled around in my head and I moaned. Waking up seemed like a hassle that I did not want right now. "Do I have to wake up?" I muttered to myself and then my eyes fluttered open of their own accord.

Above me was a white ceiling and plain lights, 'Well, this isn't my house, that's for sure, that's one good sign.' I looked around and saw seven pairs of very concerned eyes looking at me in shock, "Oh, hey guys." I said quietly.

"RISA!!!" They all jumped up and looked rushed over to my bedside. I watched them come apathetically, "Did you guys save me from my Father?" Even to my own ears my words sounded dull and lifeless.

"Yeah we did. Ri-chan, why didn't you tell us about this, we could have helped!" A very distraught Honey looked up at me as he whimpered this out.

"Please don't strain yourself Risa, but we would like an explanation when you are feeling up to it." Kyoya pushed his glasses up and stared at me gently.

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