Chapter 12- He's Back.

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A/N WARNING, this chapter is going to be a bit violent, I wish I could say to just skip it if you feel uncomfortable, but it is an important part of the plot line. I wish I could say I was sorry, but honestly, I'm a bit of a sadistic writer, so I enjoyed writing this! Oh, and thanks to JakelinySC for being awesome! Thanks for reading!


"Father, what's going on? You never come down here to greet me, is everything okay?" I finally found the courage to look in Fathers eyes as he glared at me and I gasped. His eyes were bloodshot and unfocused, "Father, are you drunk?" I quietly asked him this and he didn't answer; he just kept glaring at me.

We stood in silence for a few minutes until he said, "It's gone." His voice was so different from his usual suave business-like voice, evidence that something terrible had happened. I hadn't every seen him like this, so I was extremely concerned.

"What's gone, Father?" I tried to be soothing, but with the amount of nerves coursing through me, it probably came out sounding sharp. Father started taking steps towards me and so I naturally started backing up.

"Everything; our money, our servants, the business your mother and I worked so hard to build, and everything that I have ever loved"

My eyes widened as what he said registered, "What do you mean, Father?" Thankfully he had stopped and was just staring at me.

"I was forced to sell the company today. I owed certain people some debts and it took everything I got from selling the business to pay them back, and then some. I fired all of our employees today as well." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the fact that everything was gone just wouldn't sink in. "We only have one hope left, and my dear, it all rests on you."

I was very confused by that, "What do you mean Father? What could I possibly do to help with anything?"

For the first time since I got home, an expression other than a scowl crossed his face. Now it was his signature sadistic grin. "Well, you are pretty close with all of those rich families, aren't you? You will go and talk to them and do whatever it takes to get money. I don't care what you have to do, but you will do it."

I gasped as he was talking, then closed my eyes, it was time. 'Mitzukuni hasn't been training you for nothing, Risa. You do have a voice, and you need to use it finally. Show Father that you aren't the weak girl he thinks you are.' My chin quivered, but I resolutely looked my father in the eye and said, "No."

"What did you say, I would have sworn that you just said no, but you wouldn't do something that stupid, now would you?" He looked at me expectantly, and I smiled sarcastically back at him, hoping my façade wouldn't crack before I was done.

"No Father, you heard me right. The boys you are speaking of are my friends, and I will not use them for such a ridiculous thing as getting money. They mean far too much to me for me to do that to them."

"You would choose your friends over your father?" His tone had become very threatening and he began stalking towards me again.

"You honestly are still trying to call yourself my Father? Oh, that's a laugh! You have never acted like a father towards me, and ever since Mom and Ryuki died, you haven't even acted like a human towards me. You lost the right to call me your daughter long ago." I was terrified, but I knew that this needed to be said, it was all true; however, I had never been this bold when talking to anyone before so it was a bit of a struggle.

His face transformed into a mask of rage, "How dare you say such things to me. I am your father, and you will show me respect, or I will teach it to you!" He lunged to grab me, but in that moment, I remembered my training with Mitzukuni and Takashi, and dodged the blow while grabbing my Fathers head and pulling his face to meet my knee.

"I will give you my respect when you earn it, Hiroto, and not a second sooner." He staggered and stood up, blood dripping from his nose. I was stunned, I had finally done it, I had defended myself, I wasn't the victim anymore.

Then like a lion, my father jumped towards me and pinned me against the wall by my neck. "How dare you, you think you can beat me? It's obvious I was gone to long, because you have forgotten your place." And with that my Father pulled back his hand and slapped me hard across the face.

I was completely frozen as the blood welled up in my mouth. No matter how many times he had beaten me, Father had never left a mark that others could see; as I looked into his eyes, my heart sank, any form of sanity appeared to be gone. I tried to fight back like Mitzukuni had taught me, but my father simply grabbed my neck more firmly and slammed my head against the wall several times. I stood there dazed, the only reason I was standing was because of the hand around my neck.

"Well, since you won't talk to your friends for me, I have no further use for you, now do I?" I began shaking as his face lost any humanity that had remained. "It looks like I get to have some fun with you before I get rid of you though, isn't this exciting." And then he pulled back his fist again and hit me on the jaw. I cried out, but it was obvious that no one was going to be coming.

"Let's make a game out of this, my dear. How about we see how many injuries I can leave on you before you pass out. I don't think you should go to school tomorrow, because someone might see how pathetic you actually are, so we will have plenty of time to play this game in all sorts of ways." An insane grin spread onto his face and he laughed, leaning in until his mouth touched my ear. "There are things I've been wanting to do to you for a long time, and now that nobody is here to hear you scream, I can be a lot more creative than I was before. How about we take this to my room."

I began freaking out, struggling to get away as he dragged me, but my Father was to strong. I struggled as fiercely as I could until he slammed my head into a railing on the staircase. My vision was blurring out, but I knew that I had to get away, because once I was in the room, my Father would have won, and I wouldn't get away until he let me, or until his attention was off me long enough to escape. I began clawing at his hands, and he snarled, "Do you really want to make this any worse for yourself, my dear? I have lots of ways to inflict pain, and every time you fight, I will go with a more painful method when we finally get down to it."

I shuttered, but didn't stop struggling. I had promised everyone that I would take care of myself, I had promised Mitzukuni and Takashi that I would be strong, and I had promised Kyoya that I would do this without breaking in the process. If I let him win, I would be breaking all of those promises, which was unacceptable.

A scream ripped its way out of my throat as I thought of my real family, the Host club, and their faces gave me some strength. I rammed my elbow into my Father's stomach, he groaned and leaned over a little bit, but he didn't let go of me. "You are a lot feistier then I thought you would be, I'll give you that. I guess I'll just have to subdue you until the real fun begins."

He put his hand around my throat and squeezed; I was gagging, and I couldn't get any air in. Everything began fading out, and then I dropped into unconsciousness.


When I finally woke up, I was in a bed, with a blindfold over my eyes. I started trying to get up, but something restrained my arms and legs. I panicked and started struggling, but I was to securely bound.

"Oh good, you're awake; shall we get started my dear?" I heard my Father's voice before intense pain started shooting through me and I started jerking to get away from whatever the pain was; a tortured scream making its way out of my mouth. "Electrocution is really an efficient method of playing with someone, don't you think? It incapacitates then and puts them through an intense pain, but there are better ways to do this, shall we explore them now?"

Tears streamed out of my eyes once the pain finally stopped and one thought was going through my mind, 'I've failed you guys, I'm so sorry.'


A/N Okay, I knew that this was going to be dark, but dang, I did not expect that! What do you guys think so far? Are there any plot holes or major mistakes?

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