Chapter 19- The Hosts at the Beach Pt. 2

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Holy Crap guys, I looked at the stats for this book, and guess where we are, 2.5K!!!!! I can't tell you how exciting this is for me, thank you so much for everyone who has continued to read this. It's hard to believe that I have only been working on this book for just under a month! You are all so amazing!


I groggily climbed out of Mori's arms as he carried me out of the water, and I was immediately surrounded by the Hosts, who were all trying to talk to me, but their words were about as clear as mud, so I just stared blankly ahead until I felt a pair of hands rest on my shoulders. I blinked at the person in front of me, trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Risa, are you alright? Can you hear me?" The face cleared up and I smiled weakly at Kyoya, who was standing in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just a little fuzzy, don't worry."

Tamaki cut Kyoya off before he could respond, "Don't worry?! You just did a nosedive off of a cliff after getting smacked into the ground, how could we not worry?"

Kyoya glared at Tamaki and snapped, "Would everybody just stand back? She's obviously disoriented and crowding her is not going to help anything!" Everyone grimaced and obey him, then he turned back to me, "I called a doctor, and someone should be here in a few minutes, we need to make sure that you don't have a concussion."

I nodded and walked to a beach chair that the twins had set up with Mori's help. The doctor arrived and after a little examination, he turned to the hosts, "She appears to have a slight concussion, but other than that she is perfectly fine; I would recommend plenty of bedrest and fluids for the next day or so." Kyoya thanked him and he left, and when he did, all the Hosts turned to me, I groaned as I realized what was likely about to happen.

"Risa, what were you thinking in fighting those guys? I know you have been training with Honey and Mori, but did you seriously think you could take on three opponents? I thought you were smarter than that." The disappointed look was enough to almost make me feel guilty, as it was, his words simply served to infuriate me.

"Are you flipping kidding me? Where in your mind does it make sense that this was my fault? I was on top of the cliff before the boys even got there, I was just defending myself, and it was either that or I allow myself to be taken advantage of. The reason I started learning self-defense was so that I would never have to be a victim again, and there is no way I would simply allow myself to fall into that situation without fighting with everything inside of me. To make it worse, there were other girls there who have never had the experience of being utterly helpless and I'll be dammed before I let them come to know that feeling."

I was so furious that the Hosts were all taking a step back from me with looks of shock on their faces; well, all except Honey, who was looking at me proudly. Tamaki sighed and said, "Risa, we know you had your reasons, but you have to realize what it felt like for us, seeing you being slammed into the ground and then thrown off the cliff was terrifying; at least, it was for me. It just made me remember what it was like to find you at your Father's house, and I never wanted to see you in that state again, we're sorry for misjudging the situation."

I nodded, but noticed that Kyoya was still practically radiating tension that I knew would have to be addressed later. To say that I was not looking forward to that would be an understatement, but I digress.

Tamaki turned to Haruhi and I cringed away ever so slightly, I could just feel what was about to happen, "What about you?" She just looked at him, very obviously confused, "What were you thinking? You know, you're not like Honey-senpai, you're not a martial arts master. Why did you confront them? What made you think you would stand a chance? You against three boys?"

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