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A/N Sorry this isn't a chapter, but I forgot to do this at the beginning, and I figured it might be nice that you get to know Risa a bit more! And the picture is roughly what I think Risa looks like.


Name: Risa Soretzu 16 (2nd year)

Family: Father- Hiroto Soretzu 41

Mother- Tsuki Soretzu (Deceased) Would be 40

Brother- Ryuki Soretzu Younger brother (Deceased) Would be 12

Description: Shoulder length light brown hair w/ bangs swept off to the side. Brown eyes that fade from light brown on the outside to deep brown next to pupil. When she laughs or is genuinely happy, her eyes look like they are melting rich chocolate, the rest of the time they are dull and emotionless. Most would say she is pretty normal looking, but that's because she prefers to be understated. She is fairly petite, but she isn't flat, she has a decent sized bust. She never wears makeup except concealer to hide bruises and cuts. When she isn't in the uniform, she is forced to wear dresses by her father; and when she isn't wearing that, she has a deep love for sweats and big t-shirts.

Height: 5'4

Likes: Sweats, t-shirts, reading, Piano, singing, sappy romances, learning, swimming, sweets, and green basically any shade.

Dislikes: Every other kind of exercise, disappointing people, spicy foods, being around lots of other people (more so in the beginning), squid, looking for other people's flaws

Personality: Risa is shy and just want to go unnoticed by basically everyone. She gets panic attacks when she is touched by anyone and stutters when she is really nervous. She often goes into her own little world and forgets about her surroundings. She can be very fiery if someone irritates her, but when she is comfortable around a person, she laughs a lot and can be quite sarcastic.

Past: Risa's Father owns a technology company, so they are moderately rich; even though they aren't as rich as many of the more prestigious families, Hiroto prefers to come off as though they are. Hiroto's and Tsuki's marriage was never the most loving, and because of that Risa and Ryuki grew up listening to the sounds of their parents fighting; it started out with them just yelling, but it soon escalated to the point where Hiroto would hit Tsuki when he was really mad.

About two years before the start of the story, Tsuki and Ryuki were killed in a car accident. Risa's best friends left her at that point, and she found her escape in reading and playing the piano. Risa blames herself for the accident (you'll find out later why) which is part of the reason she likes to hide so much.

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