Chapter One: The slow start

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Part I

 “Attention staff and students, please excuse this quick interruption. Leadership students will be coming around each class during 3rd period to pass out Valentines Day love surveys. The surveys will be collected back and just for the price of five dollars you can find out the top three people you’re compatible with.” 

“I don’t understand why people get so excited about Valentines Day so early.” I thought to myself. 

It was only the middle of January. It was also the first day of second semester in my junior year. So far all of my classes were boring. I didn’t know anybody in any of my classes until I got to my gym class. Yeah there were a few familiar faces in each of my classes but no one I really conversed with. Then I went to my last class. Government.

I don’t know why but I walked into that class kind of fast. All of a sudden I heard a guy call my name. It was my friend Tom. I’ve known him since my freshmen year. He’s so funny. I waved at him and then I sat next to this boy who I had never met before. The teacher wasn’t there that day, so it was a good day. That class went by fast because before I knew it, it was time to go home. The next day of school was the same except this time in my government class the teacher was there.

When I walked in the classroom this time the desks where put into groups instead of rows. I didn’t know where to sit until Tom called me over to sit with him and his friends because one of them didn’t show up. I decided to sit with him and then the teacher came in. The teacher was kind of scary, so he wanted us to think but my group thought he was funny including me. He went over his classroom rules but as he did it he tried to be funny and it worked. That’s when I began to think that this would be my favorite class and that I would always have something to tell my best friend about it.

The next day of school was just the same but I began to get to know other people in each of my classes. Then it was time to go to my government class and I was excited to see what would happen today. I walked in and noticed Tom’s friend was here today so that meant that I need to find a new group to sit in. I decided to sit next to this girl with dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes. I later found out that her name was Monica.

Monica was talking to the boy that I sat next to the other day and I later on found out that his name was Jason. Then the teacher began to take attendance. I heard him call my name so I told him I was here. Then I heard two guys talking about my name. They were both Asian and they were kind of cute from where I was looking. One of them repeated my name and the other one said, “Jazlynn, I love that name it sounds like a sexy salsa.” I just smiled and looked away.

The two boys kept talking so the teacher told one of the boys to sit in my group. When he came over he sat right across from me. He was even cuter up close. He had dark hair and dark eyes that would glow every time he looked my way. He said hi to everyone at my table and then he looked at me and smiled. 

“Hi, Jazlynn right?” 

I smiled and said yeah. 

It was finally time to go home and I had to tell my friend what happened. On my way home I told my friend Angel about Jason and Darion.

As I was talking to Angel I realized that I was developing a little crush on Jason. I talked to him for the first time the other day. I was surprised at myself because I was the one who started the conversation. We just talked about Myspace. I tried to deny that I had a crush on him but I did. The next day of school went by fast but nothing important happen until I got to my government class.

Monica didn’t show up that day so I was the only girl at the table sitting in front of two cute boys. Darion always made sure he greeted me in a nice way. I had a feeling that Darion liked me. He always smiled at me and every time he looked at me his eyes would glow. I loved that about him, it made him look so cute, but my eyes were stuck on Jason. Jason didn’t look like an average seventeen year old, he looked older and more mature.

For some reason I began to like guys who were a little older than me. Jason had nice brown skin, very muscular, and he had a tattoo on his forearm. I truly believed that Jason was a breath of fresh air at my school. See most of the juniors at my school were extremely full of themselves. I’m talking about girls and guys and I was getting annoyed with it. I truly believed that was the main reason that I had a crush on him.

As I was staring off into space I heard Darion call my name. He asked me if I wanted to trade seats with him and I said yes for two reasons: one, I need to sit closer to the board, and two I would be sitting next to Jason. Finally it was time to go home. On my way home my friend Angel asked me if anything happened today and I said no. It was finally February and my birthday was coming up. One day while I was just sitting in my government class daydreaming, I felt someone tap my hand and I looked up and realized that it was Darion.

His eyes were glowing as he looked at me and smiled. I couldn’t help but to smile back. He got a little closer to me. 

“Jazlynn, can I take you out on a date?” He asked. 

It felt like my heart dropped down to my stomach. I quickly looked down with my eyes wide open. Darion was still staring at me waiting for an answer. Even Jason was looking at me and he was shocked as well. I always thought Darion was a cutie but I was focused on Jason. 

“Wow, that just came out of nowhere; that was really random.” I said with a shaky voice.

 He looked at me but I couldn’t look him in the eyes.

“But I like your name.” He said. 

I said thank you and then I looked down again. 

“Was he serious or was he joking?” I thought to myself. 

At first I thought he was just playing around because we were very playful like that, but as the days went by he continued to put me in the spotlight.

As my group continued to get to know each other I began to like Jason more. I also began to like Darion as well, but I was afraid that he was over me. Jason and I had some things in common but Darion and I had a lot more in common. And what I thought was so cute about us was that Darion and I were only four days apart from each other. But I was crushing on a Sagittarius more than an Aquarius. Though I felt like I knew Darion more, I was too stuck on Jason and soon I realized that I wasn’t the only one.

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