Chapter Seven: Back to the familiar

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Part II

"Good morning sunshine. Are you up yet?" Darion asked once I answered my phone. 

"Yeah, I'm up now."

"Well you don't sound excited about being a senior today."

"I'm just tired. After all I was with you last night." I said as I began rubbing my eyes.

"Well I'll be there to pick you up for school in about an hour."

"Okay I'll be ready then."

We both hung up the phone after we said our goodbyes. I began to get ready for her first day of school.

Once I was ready Darion came to pick me up like he said he would and we were on our way to school. I was excited to see my friends again and was a little nervous about seeing Charles. 

"My schedule is so incomplete and stupid. I didn't even ask for any of these classes and the only reason why I wanted yearbook is because Monica is going to be there." 

Darion laughed. 

"Remember how Monica and Jason would always flirt with each other in class." I put a fake smile on my face thinking about the fact that I used to have a crush on him.

"Hey Jazzy!" Angel yelled. 

"Hey Angel!" I yelled back. 

We both ran to go hug each other as if we hadn't seen each other in years but we just saw each other two days ago. We lived on the same street. We just loved to make a scene. After talking for a minute with his friend Darion came over and put his arm around me and whispered I love you in my ear. I stop talking, smiled, and then turned to kiss him. That was the first time we kissed in front of anyone at school. Soon after we stopped everyone began staring at us like we were crazy.

"You knew we would have to deal with this sooner or later." Darion said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked pretending like I didn't know. 

"The staring and whispering back and forth," He answered.

"Yeah, I really didn't want to be reminded of that."

"Don't sweat it. It'll all be over before you know it. After all we are seniors now." Angel said.

"No worry you two, I no longer care about what people think about me and my life. Now if you excuse me I have to go and complete my schedule." I said with a smile on my face.

"Aren't we forgetting something?" Darion said. 


"Uh, how about a goodbye kiss." He said smiling hard.

"Well aren't we affectionate today." 

We kissed and went our separate ways.

As I walked to the office I noticed that there was a long line of people waiting to change their schedules or do something with them. Then I saw my friends in the line so I stood with them. Eventually we made it to the front of the line where we had to sign a piece of paper with the class we wanted and that was it. So for two or three days I would be stuck without a first and fifth period. I just sat at a table with my friend and wrote in my notebook.

A few days went by and I still didn't have a first or fifth hour class. I decided instead of going to lunch I would sit in the office to try to get my schedule complete. I noticed a girl I used to be friends with just sitting in the office waiting. Her name was Sherry. Sherry, a guy name Brian, and I had Geometry class together when we were in the 10th grade. Then later on that year Sherry went to a different school and it was just Brian and I. 

Brian was the first guy I truly had a crush on. We knew each other as freshmen's but we never really talked until a year later when it was just the two of us. I liked Brian beyond his looks. He was a cutie but I also got the chance to get to know him for the person he truly was. We were like best friends. We told each other everything and we loved making each other laugh. Brian ended up going to another school last year and that's when I got boy crazy, but of course you know that. Till this day I still wonder if he had feelings for me like I did for him.

Sherry saw me so I decided to sit next to her. We decided to catch up. We talked about everything that happened our junior year and then Jason walked passed and stared at me. I was speechless for a second until Sherry asked me who that was. I told her his name and how I use to think he was cute. Our conversation about the people we used to know continued and then it felt like my heart skipped a beat when Sherry mentioned Brian. My heart began to beat fast when she told me he was coming back to our school. I think she heard it because she began to look at me funny.

As I walked to my locker all I could think about was Brian. I didn't even care that another day was wasted because I still had an incomplete schedule. It was almost time to go home so I went to grab my things. I couldn't remember my combination at all and I was trying to leave the school before the bell rung. I heard someone coming but I didn't pay any attention. I felt someone behind me so I turned around after I finally opened my locker.

"Hey baby."

 "What the hell do you want Charles?" I asked with an unpleasant look on my face. 

He stretched his arms in front of me. 

"Well that's easy. I want you back."

I rolled my eyes.

"In case you haven't notice I go with D-..."

He cut me off before I could finish. 

"I meant what I said when I said I love you." 

He lifted my chin. 

"Just give me another chance. Everyone deserves a second chance." He said. 

Then he went in for kiss. We kissed even though I knew it was wrong and I was trying to stop him but Darion saw us.

Darion quickly ran to Charles ready to punch him in the face, but I stepped in the middle. 

"What the hell are you doing kissing my girlfriend?" 

"Ha, your girlfriend huh? Still in denial I see. Jazlynn is mine and in case you haven't noticed we were making up until you interrupted." Charles said with a grin on his face.

"Those drugs have really made you stupid. In case you haven't got the memo Jazlynn and I are together now. Besides, who would want to be with a rapist anyway. I swear if you ever try this again you'll regret it." Darion said.

Charles continued to smile as if everything Darion said was a joke. 

"What are you going to do?" Charles questioned.

"Well I could kick your ass in front of everyone at school. I could expose you as the rapist you are, and much, much more."

Charles smile began to disappear and I began to get worried and nervous. I didn't know what to say or what would happen. The bell rung and interrupted what was about to be said next so they decided to leave and not make a scene.

I began to gather my things and followed Darion to his car. As soon as we got into the car I knew the questions would start flying. 

"Do you mind telling me what the hell happened back there?"

"Nothing," I answered. 

"Charles lips pressed against yours didn't look like 'nothing' to me." 

"Look can we just drop it?"

"Please don't tell me you still have feelings for that creep?" 

I got closer to Darion. 

"No I don't and that's what I told him. I love you and only you."

Darion smiled. 

"Good that's all I needed to hear." 

We kissed. Darion started his car and drove off. 

"By the way I love you too."

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