Chapter Twenty: Winter with "Hot chocolate"

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A week and a half later it was finally time for my first day back to school and I was excited. Darion headed off to work as usual and I was still at home dressing up DJ before we headed out. Thank goodness they had a daycare there. I was relieved about that and a little hesitant because I’ve never been away from DJ for hours. I didn’t really have any other options though so once I was done dressing up DJ I grabbed him and my bag and headed off to school.

After the short drive, we arrived at the school and headed to the daycare. I walked towards the daycare really slow. I knew I had to say goodbye to my love for the first time so I really needed to brace myself. I finally walked in, greeted the workers, and then signed in. Before the woman took DJ with her I kissed his puffy cheek multiple times and gave him one last hug before I left. Leaving that room without my son for the first time was so hard. I could feel myself about to shed a few tears but I held it in.

I headed to my first class which was psychology. I guess I was kind of early because there weren’t a lot of people in the class. I introduced myself to the instructor. She seemed pretty nice as she welcomed me with open arms. Once the introduction was done I sat down in the back of the class. I never really sat in the back of the class before but I guess I wanted to be unnoticed by the class since I was new. Slowly but surely more and more people began to enter the class. Like expected, I knew no one. I just sat there and thought about how I would have to start over with making new friends. It was a familiar feeling because I had to do the same thing back in high school. Just when the class was about to begin another guy walked in.

My mouth dropped when I looked up to see his attractive and familiar face. I couldn’t believe I was going to be in the same class as Jason again after three years. There were only two empty seats left in the class; one in the front of the class and one next to me. Once he walked pass the seat up front, I knew he was heading to the seat next to me.

“This is going to be so awkward! Oh God, I hope I look okay!” I thought to myself.

He slowly sat down in the seat next to me. I continued to stare at him from the corner of my eyes, pretending not to notice him. I quickly looked away once he looked my way. I could feel him just staring at me.

“Oh now you remember me.” I thought sarcastically as he continued to stare.

“Jazlynn?” He finally said.

I looked at him pretending to be surprised.

“Jason? Oh my God! Hi!” I said with a smile.

“Hey! We’re in the same class again huh?” He said with a smile on his face.

“Yeah I guess so!”

“Well we definitely have to catch up after class. It’s been a while.” He said still staring at me.

“I agree. We haven’t been in the same class since eleventh grade so this should be interesting.”

“Yeah it should.” He agreed with a smile.

After class we didn’t really have that much time to catch up as we wanted. We only had enough time to talk about which classes we had. It turned out that Jason and I would be in two classes together. Our first class of the day and the last class which was public speaking. My advisor must have knew that I once had a thing for Jason because this couldn’t have been a coincidence.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and before I knew it school was over for the day. Jason and I walked to the coffee shop that was right across from the daycare. We just sat at a table together and talked over a cup of coffee. I wasn’t much of a coffee fan so I just ordered hot chocolate.

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