3. coconut and V's

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I should probably tell you the story of why I smoke, shouldn't I?
I lit a smoke and inhaled, well;
After mum died, I was sent to dad's mansion, he didn't care about me. That's for sure. After a month of being there i tried a smoke, I was upset and lonely, it seemed to get me through it, so I did it. Then I couldn't stop. I don't know how, but every time I had a cig I felt like a bit of my mother was with me. It was a shitty thing to feel, ya know like; 'oh hey let me have a cig so i can pretend my non-smoker mother is with me still. yay'. Like no, I feel like its a horrible thing because i know she would be disappointed in me for even touching a cigarette. But I can't stop, i have tried a year ago, but i just cant. It is painful that I cant stop.
But anyway thats my story on why i smoke.

But anyway lets not go all the way back, yeah?
i was at a red light, so I decided to have a cig, i set it alight and awaited. About a minute later, the light changed and I took my time going down the street, well i mean, I went the limit, not any faster. I had 20 minutes before period 2, so I took my time and because nobody knows i smoke, i needed to be on the down-low. But I mean, I'm always smoking and I bet you're like 'How does nobody notice?' and I don't know. I'm magical. Actually I don't know, the only thing I can do is look through my eyeballs and see when people are going to die. Yay.
I finished my cigarette and made my way into the parking lot. The school was a big place, today was also 'free dress' day, if you don't know what that means, it means you can wear whatever you want, as long as your ass isn't hanging out, and your boobs don't show, you also have to have your shoulders covered. But by tomorrow, you gotta wear your uniform again, light green and white with a black stripe going horizontal across the shirt, with the school logo on the top right. The shorts are knee length (most of the time) and they're light green with the logo at the bottom right of them. The formal for me is a white silk shirt and a black skirt with the top and bottom of it having a light green stripe.
I looked down at the stereo to see the bright blue digits flickering, telling me its 9:47am. I still have 18 minutes until the next class, so I went across the road and got a 4-apck of V's, taking a gulp of the liquid in the first can made me way too energetic for my own good. But I kept going, by the time I got to my car, i finished all of them. I had to pee really badly, but first, I quickly got a deodorant and sprayed myself with it, getting the somewhat smell of cigarette away from my body, now radiating the smell of coconut.
I grabbed my bag shoving my stuff in it and putting my phone into my back pocket before making the journey -very, very, quickly- to the bathrooms to pee. After I did my business I walked across to the other side of the open area, made my way to the office and carried my feet up the stairs of the 2-story building. I got my late slip and started my way to the 2nd period of the day, History.

I made my way out of History and ventured to my car, without any teachers stopping me. I had a history exam and mate it stressed me out, like i knew most of the questions but a lot of people weren't even close to finishing and it stressed me the heck out. Did I miss an entire page? Or what?

When I finally got to my car, I grabbed a $5 note for food and stuck a cigarette into my front pocket before making my way to the tuckshop, I bought my usual packet of chips. They had V's today, but you had to show your school ID before you can get it. You have to be 16+to get any energy drink. So, I got my chips and drink and walked to the other side of the school to a tree that had benches around it in a triangle. Once I looked at the tree, I realised people were at it. So I walked passed it to the building next to it, the back of it had a bunch of people making out, so I kept walking to the next location, A bush in the shape of 'C D H S', which stands for 'Crovert District High School'. I could hear moaning so I turned around and walked to the Dance block, there was an abandoned room, but I'm not going there, I'm going behind the building- it had a wooden gazebo, but they closed it off due to the roof falling apart.
I jumped the little fence and walked over the it, leaning against the wooden railing in it, then lighting my cig and opening my drink. I sat the can next to me on the railing and inhaled looking around the scenery before exhaling. as I was drinking the V and smoking, daydreaming, I heard people getting closer making me start to cough drastically, dragging the cig across the ground. Picking up my bag and can, before getting the coconut deodorant and spraying it all around. Swiftly turning around I see the people walk past making me exhale before grabbing the unfinished cigarette and setting it alight again.
I hear the bell ring and I finish taking in the last drag before stomping on it, grabbing my stuff and spraying myself with the coconut and then walking off to gym.

When I got there I was energized, my hands wouldn't stop shaking making me need to cross my arm. When the teacher told us that we had to run from one side of the field to the other, I was like ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
I sped past everyone, then the teacher said to run to the other field and back, so i did.

When lunch came again, I ate the 5 chips that were left and walked to the gazebo. That was going to be my new spot.
On the way i was met by Yasmin and Tristan;
"Pick up Lacy today. We're going to a party" Yasmin says as if she were in charge- in which she was not.
"Sure, because i don't do that every day" I reply rolling my eyes
"Don't forget who took you in when nobody else would" she sneers before smirking, obviously thinking it hit a nerve.
"Don't forget who saves your ass every time you sneak out" I say before looking up at the orange glowing digits;
40 years
3/6/ 2059
2:10:36 am

I smile at her before walking off to the gazebo as she and her group walked in the opposite direction.

By the end of the day i was exhausted, i left school with my sunnies on, hair up and at the lights, I took a cigarette out and lit it, watching the end light up a red before dying down. Inhaling and hitting the cig against my car window watching the ashes fly away.
A guy pulled up beside me, noticing he is in a left-hand drive, I take a look at his car. 2006 Ford Mustang. Interesting. I stared at the car a little longer before the guy piped up;
"Smoking is bad for you" he says smirking
"Thats good" I reply before turning to look back at the road.
I see him grab a cig and light it;
"Smoking is bad for you" i mimic and he chuckles
The light turns green and i speed off to Lacy's school. I pulled into a parking spot, then sprayed coconut all through the car and myself. I wind all the windows down and continue spraying, not realising someone park next to me. I wind them all back up and spray one last time before getting out and locking my car, making my way to Lacy's classroom. That coconut it going to be extremely strong.
I was awaiting for her and hear a deep voice;
"Where is your smoke?" he asks
"What smoke?" I question him like I'm the most oblivious person in the world.
"The one- Oh i see what you're doing" he says snickering
"what?" i ask innocently.
"Daddy daddy" a little girl squeals before running to the guy next to me.
"awh, thats adorable" i chuckle.
"i wont tell your secret, if you dont tell mine" he murmurs seriously
"What do you think your mother would have to say about this behaviour?!" Ms.Pearl yells angrily holding Lacy's wrist, pulling her towards me.
"What do you think you're doing?!" I yell at Ms.Pearl, Lacy had tear-filled eyes.
"Your daughter threw paper at me and then blamed it on other students. She threw my laptop across the room" Ms.Pearl shouts.
"Excuse me, did you even see her do it?!" I say anger laced in my tone, i grabbed Lacy.
"If you touch her again, i swear to god I will make your last 2 months, the worst of your life" I growl out, watching Lacy's eyes widen in horror. She started tugging on my shirt making me look down. Ms.Pearl had 2 months to live, dying at 8:09:30pm. So she better make the best of it.
"Im sorry baby" I mumble to her.
"I will kick your daughter out of this class." Ms.Pearl threatens
"She doesn't even deserve to be in this class, she's smarter than most kids in this grade because I teach her" I say calmly, "Unlike some people" I add
I pick Lacy up and start to walk away when the guy grabbed my arm.
"Promise me, you wont tell anyone" he says
"who even are you?"
"Lucas Jacobs" he says proudly.
"As in, THE Lucas Jacobs? Schools most badass student?" i ask
"im not badass, i just skip class and start fights" he mumbles
"whatever" I say
"promise you wont tell" he says
"I wont tell, but i dont understand why you have to keep her a secret. It's not going to kill you. Is she a disgrace to you?" I finished asking
"No she isn't. Shes my besutiful girl and she is not a disgrace" he exclaims
I nod before walking off.
"Can Carly come over on the weekend?" Lacy asks.
"Sure" I smile, driving us home.
"When was the last time you smoked?" Lacy asked, making me cough hysterically from her sudden question.
"I'm sorry?" i ask
"you heard me. you think I wouldn't know, im not the triplets, nor our parents" she says rolling her eyes.
"On the way to pick you up" I grumble.
"You need to stop" she says sadly
"why?" i ask
"because you'll die, then i wont have anyone" she says tears in her eyes.
"I cant, you know that. But i promise, i will always be with you, ill always be there for you when you need me" I finish, turning into the drive-way.
"Anyway, please dont tell anyone" I say with pleading eyes.
"I wont" she says smiling.
"Now, who really did all that nasty stuff?" i ask
"Jonny" she mumbles
"why didn't they teacher take your side?"
"because Jonny's dad owns the primary school, hes the principal. " she says sadly
"oh wow, that's not happening on my watch, I'm going to have a talk with him." i say dangerously low
"no don't, you'll make it worse" she says
"it will get worse if i don't say anything" i say sadly.
it was true, i never spoke up, so I got let down all the time.


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