13. revealed

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"I will be back tomorrow"

It was 6pm and she had just dropped Lacy off at a friend's for a sleepover. Nobody else was home so she decided to go to the lagoon early.
Carmen made it there and ventured through the forest. The sun was still there but slowly disappearing. The grass was long and itchy but she didn't care all she wanted to do is see her friend.
Her soon-to-be-very close friend. Wink wink.
Carmen got there and watched the sunset, beautiful colours scattered over the soon to be night sky.
"How beautiful" she muttered.
"It is, isn't it" Logan says. Carmen smiled at him, a very bright smile in fact. Her smile was probably brighter than the sun, probably blinded him if he wasn't so concentrated looking into the depths of her eyes.
"Didn't think you would come back" he says chuckling.
"I said I would come back" she replied smiling once again.
He felt butterflies in his stomach and he felt special, for once someone was actually keeping a promise.
"Are you okay?" She asks
"Yes, I am A-Okay" he says putting on a fake smile.
"Wanna go for a swim?" She asks, praying he will say yes.
"Sure" he said, taking off his shirt and pants, leaving him in boxers.
She sighed before chuckling.
He felt a little embarrassed.
"What is so funny?" He asked putting a hand around his waist. Logan was bullied in high school, he was a very smart guy, they just didn't like him because he had two different eye colours and her black hair with a natural white strip going through it.
"You're so white" she chuckled and he murmured a curse.
"Don't worry; I'm just as white" she replied taking her shirt off and walking into the water.
He followed suit.
"How was your day?" She asks
"Good" he says "kinda" he muttered.
"What happened?" She asks concerned laced in her voice.
"Nothing" he says splashing water her way making her gasp before chuckling.
"So, can I see your face?" She asks
"Why?" He questions.
"Because why not?" She answers his question with a question of her own.
He chuckled. He took off the mask and went under water, grabbing her and pulling her under and she opens her eyes, staring in awe at the guy in front of her.
They swim back up and Carmen starts to cough a little.
"Sorry" he murmured.
"You" she whispers still in awe.
"I know. Ugliest guy in the world" he says scratching the back of his head.
"No. You, I don't have words to describe. You're so, I can't say beautiful because I feel as if you would get offended" she says making him laugh.
His laugh was so perfect to her.
"Wow" she whispers.
Footsteps could be heard making them both tense.
"Quick, turn around and pretend to kiss me" she says holding his mask between them both. He faced away from the opening and looked into her eyes. Smirking, he lifted her around his waist.
"I read alot of romance and this seems to be the way to go" he says making he chuckle.
She sees the shadows of people walking towards the lagoon and he sees it in her eyes. He smashed his lips against hers, both of their eyes close and the cough errupts from someone's throat.
They pull away and he stills looks into her eyes.
"Yes?" She asks
"We've come here to do research on the lagoon" the guy says smirking.
"If you'd have sex in this lagoon I will ask the killer to beat you to a pulp." Carmen says making Logan chuckle before resting his head on her shoulder.
"What killer?" The girl asks
"Where are you's from?" Carmen asks
"We're from Bundy" the guy replies winking, making Carmen scoff.
"Tell your man to stop winking at me" Carmen says to the girl.
"Seriously" the girl says.
He chuckled and wraps his arms around her waist.
"We were dared to.have sex in this lagoon. We didn't know why this one specifically" she says
"Well; they would've said that because this lagoon is owned by a very handsome man that can make you vanish like" she says and clicks her fingers "this" she adds.
They didn't seem frightened.
"Why are you in there then" she asks smirking.
"Because he knows me and allows me to bring my significant other to have some alone time" Carmen says smiling.
"Well" the guys says and a grunt coming from Logan errupts through out the lagoon.
"What s wrong?" Carmen whispers to him.
"Please tell them to leave, or I will kill them" he murmurs slowly falling asleep onto her shoulder. She unwrap herself from him and brings him closer to her.
"Can you's please leave" Carmen asks politely.
"No" the guy says
"Leave now. I won't be able to stop what's going to happen" I say as I look behind them and then to them, the back to behind them. They soon realised what I was doing and looked behind themselves to see a shadow. A tree. But they didn't have to know that. As they were turning around, Carmen grabbed a rock and chucked it hitting the ground with a thud.
The couple looked freaked and retreated.
They ran and the 2 in the lagoon were unable to see them.
Carmen chuckled and started to swim with Logan in her arms, to the edge and sat on one of the flat surfaced rocks.
"Well that was eventful" Carmen murmurs.
Carmen got up with Logan's armed around her shoulder and pulled him towards a towel she got. She wrapped him in it and sat him down next to her against the rocks.
She was shivering, she was cold, so she grabbed a shirt and pulled it on and then pulled a shirt over his head and made sure he was warm.
She took care of him and he was grateful. Even though he wasn't awake for it.
Carmen stayed up all night and made sure he was warm and safe.
She didn't sleep a wink that night but she was happy.
She watched the sun slowly arise and felt the shuffling beneath her arm.
"Good morning" he says stretching.
"Sleep well?" She asks
"Yes. Did you do this?" He asks
"Yeah. Wanted to make sure you were warm" she replied with a slight tinge of red in her cheeks.

Oh love, what it does to us all.

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