10. What a fica

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"More than half of you's failed your maths exam. You's need an education to get anywhere in life. You's need to out education first, no hobbies, jobs or anything like that. After highschool education costs money" my maths teacher, Mr.Enlin says annoyed.
Someone raised their hand in protest "does that mean I need to quit my baseball team?" They ask
"No. Just don't play it as much, put your education first."
I am very big on protesting. I rant to people about all sort of things, not publicly announcing it, but I could stop my hand from raising.
"What?" He asks me annoyed as ever.
"Education won't pay taxes" I reply.
"You need an education to get money to pay the taxes" he replies in a 'duh' tone.
"Anything else-" he begins
"But" I start and he shoots me an angry look saying 'if you talk I swear to Thor', but I didn't pay attention.
"Have you ever seen the news articles or the movies about how the dumbass becomes a billionaire and the brains don't?" I ask and he just looks at me as if I'm stupid.
"You don't need to be smart to get a job. You don't need to have the top of the arts paying job. As long as you have a steady income you should be right. Maths only comes in for how much pizza you'll eat or how much money you'll spend. You don't need pi, you don't need x and y. If you need it, Google it." I finish and he looks at me in disbelief.
"Okay smartass without education where would you be?" He asked with a disgusting smirk.
"You are talking in math term, we would need to count money, if that's what you mean. But if you are presuming that math is the most important, you would be wrong. It is English. Without the language where would math come in?" I ask the last part and he just gets fed up and tells the class to do page 392.

After that fire 2 days ago; I've been suspicious and on alert. Every bang I hear, quiet or loud. I still survey my surroundings. Sceptical at what is to come. I was so confused on who that man is. But it was annoying.

Science came and went, did an experiment on cans and Icy water. Wasn't really paying attention.
But then English came, now you know how I don't publicly protest and how I protest alot. What we did in English made me angry; beyond angry actually. I wasn't going to protest but I am so close to doing so.
We were analyzing a poster. On smoking and why it is bad for you. You will look older, you will die younger, 'you will die in your forties' it said. But my favourite was; it can cause lung cancer. I let people have their own opinion. But when the 'scientifically proven' stamp was at the bottom; I shot my hand up.
These people were ridiculous.
"Yes?" The teacher asks
"Did you know, that lung cancer can be caused by the simplest things. Not just smoking, and most of the time, smoking only affects it, not causes it" I say annoyed with the poster.
"Excuse me?" The teacher asks astound that I said something like that.
"You can die at 3 months. You can die at 130. You will die either way. Smoking won't automatically kill you. It builds up. People call it a cancer stick, but do you call the sun a cancer light?" I ask and people start whispering.
"You're just saying this because you obviously smoke" a girl says with people gasping.
"No, I'm said it because it's true. You don't call a dog 'a cat'" I reply shrugging.
"That made no sense" she spat
"And you can't even make dollars" I responded with some people laughing from understanding the comeback. I was pretty proud.
"That made no sense either" she retorts.
"Close your yap, you can't even make money from that thing so why keep opening it at every chance you got?" I ask and that made alot of guys burst into laughter.
The bell went and I was glad because I walked out if then with a smile on my face and an angry girl in front of me. She suddenly stopped and turned around to look at me.
"You little tart just embarrassed me" she says
"You embarrassed yourself" I shrug before moving. But her arm shoots up.
I grab onto her wrist, looking her dead in the eye. The reflection in her eye responded with my eyes, a dull orange flame dancing about along the iris'. I blinked before removing my hand from her wrist and moving past her limp body, she was stradled along the ground now.
I made my way to the gazebo, but someone was already there. That angered me. I marched up there and opened a V before they looked at the can opening.
"You" I say
"You" he responds
"Where's your daughter?" I ask
"At school" he responds "Where's your smoke" he asks smirking
"In my bag." I retort smiling.
I drink my v in silence Nd he eats a sandwich he magically pulled out. We were both quiet until a screech sliced through the air.
We whipped around to come face to face with Yasmin.
"What are you doing with her?!" She shrieked.
"Excuse me. Did you just..." I trail off and she just shrugs.
"What a fica" I mumble and Lucas starts laughing.
"What's so funny?!" Yasmin yells and looks at him "What did she say?" She questions.
"I called you a fica" I shrug.
"You little-" she starts charging at me and I grab her fist before pushing her back "It's ok it's okay. It's nothing bad" I reply
"Good" she mumbles.
"It means cunt" Lucas says laughing
"WHAT?!" She screams
"You're a bitch. You know that right." I say annoyed at Lucas.
I ran towards the car and got in before zooming down the street to the park, grabbing a a cig and a lighting it.  I did finish the smoke before reaching the park. I'm not some mean person. I just sat on a bench near by watching the ocean that was mere meters away.

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