6. Baby girl before alter ego

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It was her. Kathy.
"what are you twats doing here?" she asks
"what are you doing here?" i ask
"I'm here for my surgery, I hope your trip here wont cost too much" she scolds
"of course not" I smile with so much fake it hurt my face.
"whatever" she mutters before walking away.
oh boy.

I stepped out of the hospital and travelled my way to my car, grabbing a cig. When i was about to light it, I heard my name being called making me chuck my cig into my pocket and lighter onto the ground of the car.
"Do you have $5" Kathy asks
"No" I reply
"your father gave it to you this morning" she says
"I got food" I say shrugging
"you don't need food, you need to be losing weight" she says rolling her eyes
"no I don't, if I want to look like this, then i will" i say smiling
"excuse me" she says angrily
"you are excused" I say picking up my lighter and chucking it in my bag before swinging it onto my back and locking the car.
i felt my cheek ripple with a little sting, making me shoot up to look Kathy dead in the eye.
"go away" I mumble
"make me" she says smirking
fuck off you whore I so badly wanted to shout but I don't swear to people.
"touch me again and you will need to re-do every. single. one. of. your. surgeries." I growl out
that made her back up a bit.
"I'm telling your father" she yells at me
"boo-hoo" I reply before shoving her out of my way.
she let out a squeal as she hit against the concrete making me chuckle.
I walk over to the beautiful gardening, the hospital building towering over it. I sift my way through to the very back and alight a cigarette inhaling and exhaling ever-so often. i close my eyes exhaling a few after inhaling, i felt the breeze cooling myself down. It was lovely. Until i felt a presence next to me.
"Smoking is bad" the voice says and I snap my head to a little girl. i put the cig out.
"indeed" I say smiling
"it killed my mummy and took me away from my sister" she says sadly.
"oh, really?" I say sadly
"yeah, she was a wonderful lady, but now i have a mean mummy and I don't like her" she pouts out
"awh, wanna hang with my sister?" i ask
"Yes!" she cheers
"where are your parents?" i ask her
"they left me here, mummy had to get her nails done" she sadly mutters out.
"oh my goodness" i say with a tear rolling down my cheek.
"lets go, ill drop you home. yeah?" I say and she smiles before nodding.
"thankyou" she mumbles
"no problem" i say smiling.
"so why are you here? " i ask
"my brother" she whispers
"he was in a fight and got his ribs broken" she says crying
"oh honey" i say picking her up.
Nowhere in the 'how to be a person' handbook says to help strangers. But i did. She needed it.
"I'll go get my sister and then we can go see your brother, yeah?" i ask smiling
"yay" she squeals.
"what room is your brothers?" i ask
"206" she mumbles
She fell asleep on the way to Lacy's room.
"Hey Lacy" i say smiling down at Lacy, her widen eyes making me look around alarmed
"what?" i ask
"why do you have Carly?" she asks
"she was talking to me in the garden" I say
"oh, is she okay?" Lacy asks
"yes" i say smiling. I pick Lacy up in my other hand and walk down to 206, Lacy was in room 109. So we had to go up to the 4th floor, when arriving there, my arms were dead and they were both asleep in my arms. I finally got to room 206 and used my knee to open the door.
I turn around to shut the door quietly and hear a very-familiar voice;
"Such a mother figure" i hear the guy say
"You are her brother?" i ask in disbelief
"yup" he chuckles before wheezing in pain which made me laugh before shutting myself up from hearing Lacy stir. Making him laugh again. I plop myself down on the chair next to him and make my arms comfortable before learning back as far as i could with my bag on.
"so what made my sister talk to you" he asks
"she saw me smoking and started the convo how you do 'smoking is bad for you'" i say chuckling
"well, we are siblings" he says smiling before he saw the little bruise forming on my cheek.
His face went dead serious, "what happened to your face?" he asks
"my step-mother asked for something she doesn't deserve nor do I have" I reply simply.
"so she slapped you for that?" he asks staring at the hand print.
"yup. what can i say. I'm an angel with being good" i mumble
"was Carly alone?" he asks
"yeah, she told me her father and step mother had to get to a nail appointment" I say little bit of anger coursing through my veins.
"that little bitch" he mutters
"ill take her home if you want, she wanted to see you first" I say smiling. I start rubbing both of their arms awakening them.
"good morning" I say smiling as they both jump off me.
"Luky" Carly squeals
"hey baby" he says smiling
"wait" I say confused
"you's are pretending to be siblings?" i ask suspicious
He looks up with widened eyes
"you did not" i say anger growing inside me
"I'm-" he starts but gets cut off by Carly
"He doesnt want anyone to know" she squeaks out "He doesn't like the attention" she adds
"that all?" i ask nicely and she nods.
"may i have a word with him" I say smiling and the 2 girls walk away to the window.
"you kidding me" I grumble
"im sorry, but if anyone knows. My life will be destroyed" he says scared
"no you aren't. She is a gift, she is like getting engaged, you are suppose to wear the ring, you show it off. Not hide it so some other person can come and flirt with you." I growl out "thats not okay, youre hiding a beautiful gist from the world" I add
"its not like-"
"it defiantly is, you dont want your ego to die so you go and hide something as precious and more important than your damn stupid ego." I say calmly.
"I-uh-" he says
"ill take Carly home, do you need a ride?" i ask
"yes please, I'm sure I can get out now" he says hitting the red button.

I put the girls in the back and chuck my bag onto Lucas' feet
"where do you's live?" i ask, he tells me the address, in which I roll down to.
"would you like to come in?" he asks, before looking at a sleeping Carly, his face paled.
"i'll take her inside" I say smiling grabbing both girls, holding Lacy's hand while carrying Carly.
A middle-aged woman opens the door, "where have you been!" the lady yells.
"shut it" I growl seeing Carly's eyes jolt awake.
"did she just tell me to shut it?" the lady asks in a deadly tone.
"yes i did. Look what you did, have you never had kids before. God" I say bouncing Carly. Carly soon relaxes before i put her down.
Lacy pulls on my shirt and i bend down to her "i have to pee" she whispers
"can we use your bathroom" I ask Lucas
Lucas and the lady say at the same time.
"your opinion doesn't matter" I suggest to her before walking in and Lucas showed us where the bathroom was, I stood outside the bathroom awaiting for Lacy to finish getting a scowl from the lady.
"that face is giving you more wrinkles. stop it" I say grunting.





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