14. How cute

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I saw a scar going down from the back of his neck.
"Can I ask you something?" Carmen asks
"Sure" he says smiling.
"What is that?" She asks pointing to the scar on his neck.
"Um" he starts trying to think of any excuse.
"Do you not trust me?" She asks
He sighed and looked her dead in the eye "promise me you won't freak out and run" he says
"I promise" she says smiling.
He turns around and pulls his shirt up making her gasp a little.
The scar or should it be scars, went down his neck and ended art his tailbone.
2 beautiful but damaged wings etched into his poor beautiful skin.
"Who did this?" Carmen asks trying to stay calm. But it's like her anger went straight over the line and getting ready to pounce.
"Nobody" he quickly said.
"I'll kill them" she says dangerously low.
This was not the Carmen, Logan knew. This was a beast.
She tried clenching her fists and trying to gain control again but it wasn't working.
Logan touched her shoulder and that got her. Thankful for what he did, she cried in his arms.
"I am going to kill them." She whispered.
"Don't. They have their family to take care of." He whispered back. She clenched his shirt trying to gain control.
He looked at her, whispering her name. She was about to scream a 'What', but was cut short when his lips plunged straight onto hers. Her soft moan erupted the room making him chuckle.
They pulled away and Carmen rested her head against his shoulder. He was hugging her tight and started to hum.
"I see my face in his cold eyes
I see my life, and I'll find the ties
My friends don't want to know you
They hold me back but I still run
Because you're the one
Please be my friend in my dreams
Take off that pretty face and show me
Please see me in your eyes,
Take that pretty face off surely.
I run away from you in my dreams
Take that pretty face off for me.
One Upon a time in a land far away
there was a boy
Who fell in love with the girl every day
He found her hiding away,
To smoke off her fears and take off her chains.
There was a little boy whom cried all day
He turned into a killer and found the girl ran away,
He saw the monster within and soon fell for someone just like him. "

"Did you make that song?" Carmen asks
"Somewhat. It's atrocious" he says shrugging

Her laughter errupts throughout the place and she kisses his cheek before smiling.
"What a cutie" she mumbles before grabbing her stuff.
"Come to my house" she says smiling. "It's about to my little sister meets the guy that has her sisters heart" she whispers the last part.
"Haha" he says smiling.
They got into her car and speed off down the road, she pulled out her cigarette. Alighting it she dragged in and pulled the stick away.
Logan was watching her intently. He had only smoked once. She noticed his expression.
"Want one?" She asks pulling it towards him. He inhaled and started to cough, which made Carmen chuckle.
They finally got home and she pulled out a deodorant, spraying around their bodies.
"They don't know you smoke?" He asks
"Nope, let's keep it that way" she says chuckling.
Lacy runs out and jumps into Carmen arms.
"You're here! You're here!" She yells excitedly.
Carmen puts down lacy and watched as she turns towards Logan.
"Hello" he says smiling.
"Hello cutie" she says winking.
It made Carmen laugh "You're too young lacy" she says making lacy pout.
"This is the guy I've been talking about" Carmen says smiling
"Ohh, logan" she says smiling.
"How are you?" He asks smiling.
"I'm great" she says chuckling. Carmen rolled her eyes.
"This people are gone" lacy says boredom laced her voice.
"Thanks" Carmen says smiling. They walk inside and lacy takes Logan's hand into the lounge room, but before getting anywhere, Carmen quickie whispers 'try not to kill her please', obviously joking. He nodded chuckling.
See, there is a story behind Logan.
Logan was a very smart guy, he just lived with the wrong people. He grew up being hated and not loved. He only read thsoe in books. When he finally had enough of his uncle's yapping, he, well, he snapped his neck and got sent to juvie.
It was only one murder. The people that walk though the Forrest and get caught by him, well he just tells them a story to freak them out.
Logan told Carmen this and she was told not to freak.
"If I tell you about being a killer, promise not to freak out and run?" He asks
"I promise" she says chuckling.
He told her the story and she started slowly walking backwards. Logan's gave looked so upset. But then Carmen started chuckling.
"Just kidding" she laughs out hugging him.

They joked about after that and as of now, Carmen is making food.
They were called to dinner, all eating until the family arrived. By family it really means; father, kathy, kristie, Alex, Tristan, Heather and Yasmin. Ffs.
"Who is this?" Yasmin seductively says. Carmen could feel Logan clasp her hand, squeezing tightly indicating that he was uncomfortable.
"My boyfriend" Carmen says.
"You couldn't get someone this hot even if you tried" she cackles.
"You aren't very nice, I've never felt more sorry for you past boyfriends, well I mean, if you've had any" Logan pipes up making Carmen burst out laughing.
"Do you need Aloe vira for that burn?" Carmen says between laughs. (A.n sorry if I wrote that wrong) Logan starts to laugh and Kathy yells.
"How dare you speak to my daughter that way"
"How dare she speak to my girlfriend that way" Logan says shrugging.
"Who are you" my father asks
"Logan" he says smiling getting up to shake hands but father glares.
"Well I'm her father and I say get out" my father says
"No" I say
"Excuse me" father says
"You heard me old man. He is not leaving. Unlike you's he actually appreciates me, hey lacy" Carmen says
"Hell yeah" she rumbles making Logan chuckle.
"He's staying here" Carmen says.

The 2 were laying in bed when Logan was thirsty and needed a drink, he ventured downstairs. Little did he know Carmen was following in the shadows. Yasmin walks down and starts to trail her finger down his back.
"I'll be back up in a sec babe, I was thirsty" he says
"No problem" Yasmin purs out. He turned to look at her,
"Please get away from me" he says
"Why?" She says "I can do better than Carmen" she says
"As if, now get out of my way" he says angrily.
Carmen watches as his hand reaches for a knife.
Carmen started to walk towards the 2 and Yasmin smirked pulling him in for a kiss.
"Hello" she says
"I didn't see you there" Yasmin says smirking.
"Didn't see the knife either?" Carmen asks
Before Yasmin could say anything, Carmen slapped Yasmin, hard.
Pulling her by her hair, she threw her out the back down and locked it.
"Wipe your mouth please, I don't want Yasmin germs on you" she says chuckling.
They went back upstairs and fell asleep in eachother arms.

How cute.

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