7. cactus and Bad memories

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Sometimes listening to your thoughts that scream at you, just need to shut it.
I inhaled and exhaled, looking over the balcony the stars shining as bright as they possibly can.
The soft snores of Lacy coming from my bed as her back slowly dips every time she breathes. Her little body twitching every once in a while.
I swiped the cigarette against the railing making sure the once lit smoke was completely out I flicked it over the balcony watching it land on the cement.
Let's pray to Zeus that nobody notices.
I unwrapped my hair from it's bun and pulled the sleeves down my bare arms feeling the warmth elope them.
Slowly gliding my feet along the ground into the room, I shut the sliding door quietly. I didn't bother locking it because, why would I need to? Haha.
I took my jumper off and laid in bed feeling Lacy snuggle into me, in which I replied with a kiss on the head.
I fell asleep -as most would- and held Lacy close.

I awoke to the sound of Lacy sniffling.
"What's wrong?" I ask quietly.
"I'm just cold" she murmers sniffing.
"How I shut the door-" I start but see the door open. A cold breeze wafted it's way past me and I could smell cologne. Silver Chrome. Hmm.
"Go back to sleep" I tell Lacy as I slowly arise and tuck her into the bed before putting my jumper on, walking to the sliding door. I grabbed my smokes off the table next to the door and walked out alighting one of them.
I start to smoke and lean against the railing looking at the moon nearly disappearing, but the sun has not arisen yet.
"Gonna keep staring or do you want one?" I ask exhaling
"How did you know" he says chuckling before walking over. I inhale.
"What are you doing here?" I exhale the smoke through my nose.
"I came to see my favourite girl." He says and I can feel his smirk.
"Where have you been?" I ask a lighting another and handing it over to him.
"Around. How's everything here?" He asks
"It's fine." I say sighing before inhaling my smoke to block the sigh.
"Hmm" he mumbles
"How is college?" I ask exhaling.
"great" he exclaims smiling
"How a gabby?" I ask quietly.
"Uh, she is not in the picture anymore" he says hesitantly.
"Why did you come back? Sneak into my room?" I ask looking him dead into the eyes.
"I said before, I came to see you but you were a bit... busy" he said the last bit quietly glancing over at Lacy.
"What? Taking care of Lacy?" I ask
"Yeah- wait what?" He asks
"Lacy, I was taking care of her" I explain "But that doesn't answer why you snuck into my room" i add
"I want you back. I miss you. I want us." He says smiling at me.
"Wish I could believe that. We can be friends" I say looking out at the now peaking of the sun.
"Why don't you trust me?" He asks
"Why do you pretend to be a good guy? I forgave you for what you did. So why can't you just realise what I saw in you has vanished. All you are to me now is a some-what an acquaintance" he reply putting out the cig before flicking it over the side making sure it's nowhere near the other.
He flicked his out too before grabbing my hand.
"I'm sorry" he says with his eyes filled with regret.
"Okay nerd. You know... I don't know whether I should just kick you out or not. You used me, You raped me, then you humiliated me in front of everyone and for What.. . Popularity. So you can either shut the fuck up and go away or watched the sunrise with me and keep quiet" I say sternly before gazing along at the beautiful sunrise.
"You always loved the sunrise and set" he mutter chuckling.
"Kiya I never understood why you hated me so much. I never understood why you wanted to be popular. But it was such a dick thing to do, ya know, being popular for you were I guess maybe lonely. But I always liked you even though you slowly distanced yourself until the last strand" I calmly say to him.
"Well I was hoping to make it up to you." He says excitedly before he pulled a pot from behind him, to see it was a baby cactus.
"Please forgive me. Please forgive the way I acted, the way I treated you, the way I fucked you over, Figuratively and literally" he says the last part with a hesitated chuckle.
"It's fine" I explain grabbing the cactus and putting it on the little table next to the door. I place the cigs in the little compartment of the table before looking at him.
"Lacy will awaken in a sec. So you have to go before she kills you" I exclaim
"Uh-okay" he says
"Go back to college in Aceford before I kick you out again" I exclaim smiling.
"Uh. Okay." be begins
"all i wanted was him back" I mumble quietly to myself.
" Bye, oh and he misses you" he waves awkwardly before fleeing.
I'm so sick of him.
He will be with his brother soon.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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