4. Jonny's going down

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I parked in the usual spot, taking Lacy to her class, awaiting for Ms.Pearl to arrive. I got tapped on the shoulder, making me turn around to be faced with a tall man and ms.Pearl next to him.
"Good morning, may i help you?" I say politely
"Could you please accompany me in my office" the man says
"Sorry, but who am I talking to?" i ask
"Mr.Dean" he says sticking his hand out, which i shake with.
"Well hello Mr.Dean, you are the principal, no?" i ask smiling
"indeed I am" He says.
"Fantastic, i was actually going to talk to you, I have a complaint- after i dropped this little one off though" I say smiling down at Lacy, looking at her necklace. I gave it to her this morning, it really brings out her vibrant green eyes. These dicks dont know what's to hit them.
"Wonderful, well Ms.Pearl can take it from here" he says before ms.pearl takes everyoen into the room.

I follow Mr.Dean to his office.
"Well ive been hearing some stuff about you and your daughter." he says seriously, looking through papers
"As have I" i reply making him look up, i didnt even bother correcting him for saying my daughter.
"May i ask what you have heard?" he asks
"you tell me first" i say smiling as best as i could.
"I have been told that you threatened ms.pearl, nearly physically hurt her too." he exclaims
"oh wow, i mean it doesnt take an actor to be an actor" I reply while still smiling
"excuse me" he says
"Ms.Pearl had been yelling at Lacy yesterday, gripping her arm tightly, causing a bruise to form around her forearm. Lacy had tear-filled eyes and I merely asked what Lacy was accused of doing. " I reply empathizing the accused.
"And what was it that she was accused of doing?" he asks
"throwing things across the room" I say
"hmm, i heard about that. That is why i have called you in. You need to teach your daughter manners, blaming other students isnt the way to go, im going to have to give her a detention" he says disappointedly.
"yeah you are right and she is too young for a detention" i start and his face morphed into disbelief "i mean, I dont know what else to teach her, she knows everything. especially telling the truth" i say in a low tone.
"excuse me?" he asks again in disbelief as my voice became low and a little venom was being laced through my words
"what do you need? you seem like you know some manners" i ask
"Miss" he says angrily
"Do not miss me. Your son is Jonny? is he not?" i ask angrily "Most people i know that are wealthy or 'known' people, tend to have children that are the most disgusting kids i have ever met" I exclaim
"you are teaching your child that doing something wrong will not come with consequences. They could be throwing things at teachers and since they can get away with it, they'll keep doing bigger things. To test their parents limits. One day they might kill someone and you know what you're going to do. Accuse someone else and make sure your precious child is not sent to jail" I exclaim with the out-right most venom dripping through my voice
"get out" he says
"no" i say
"get out" he yells
"Get down from your ego that is way higher than your IQ and learn that you nor your son are not better than anyone else. If your son, any of the staff or even you, blame Lacy or anyone else for what your son has done. I swear I will make sure it is known that you are NOT the leader. So stay out of my way" i finish in my most deadly tone while putting a microphone under his desk. i stood and bowed before heading out, making sure to slam the door on the way.
I walk to Lacy's classroom and knock on the door. Ms.Pearl walks over with a disgusted look on her face, before its replaced with a smirk.
"here to apologise?" she asks openign the blue wooden door.
i chuckled "of course not" I pause and her smirk drops "im here for Lacy" I say smiling
"excuse me?" she asks
"Lacy Lockwood" I reply
"no" she says trying to close the door.
"i will call the police. I have signed her out" I say annoyed
"didn't Mr.Dean talk to you" she says smirking again
"indeed he did. pretty good chat actually. we talked about the weather had a cup-o-tea" i reply smiling my fakest smile and bringing my pinkie up pretending to drink a cup of tea.
"I-ugh" she grumbles before opening the door. I grabbed Lacy's backpack before awaiting her.
"Lacy, your mother is here for you" Ms.Pearl says smiling but her eyes look disgusted.
"why thankyou for allowing me to get Lacy, she really is a wonderful girl" I say smiling before turning around, leaning close to her ear "if you touch her, threaten her or even blame her for something she did not do, again. I swear, You will not see your son again" I whisper to her
"what-" she says but I cut her off
"bye" I say before looking down at Lacy, her hair infront of her face. I moved it out of the way to see a purple-yellow bruise grazing along her cheekbone. I jolted up right, my veins boiling from anger.
"may i have a word" I say to Ms.Pearl
"what?" she asks
"manners dear" I say smiling
"yes?" she asks
"i want to talk to the class" I say
"because why?"
"you just cant?"
"i only need to ask a question. you allow parents to ask the class questions all the time. so why cant I?" i ask
"fine" she grumbles walking to the front of the class.
"class" she says in a sing-song voice
"yes ms.Pearl?" the class says in unison. it kinda creeped me out.
"Someone is here to talk to yous" she says looking at me.
I look at Lacy and give her a smile before walking to the front of the class.
"hello" I say smiling
"hello" they say in unison
"im here to ask a serious question" I say smiling brightly
"will you's answer?" i add
"yes" they say
"well, who has touched another student today?" i ask, the majority of kids hands shoot up.
"hmm, i see. Did you know touching someone without their consent will result in the naughty corner " I say mumbling.
"what is consent?" a little voice asked
"it means permission, for example; you need your permission to go to the park. " I say smiling
"well, who hurt Lacy?" I ask sweet
A girls hand shoots up.
"I did" she says with a smile, all the class congratulate her.
"hmm, may i ask why?" I say
"she looked at me funny" she says and everyone laughs at Lacy.
"No. you did it for attention" I suggest in the most calm voice.
"you need to apologise for the harm you have caused. You don't understand that what you have done can affect someone very dearly. You will end up being a very bad person when you grow up." I say looking at the girl, kids started 'ohhh'ing and I just rolled my eyes.
"it is NOT okay, to blame people for what you have done. It is NOT okay for you to hurt people because they look at you the wrong way. It is NOT okay for you to encourage others to do something so bad. Don't be a bad person" I say seriously
"do you's want to be cool?" i ask and they nod
"well, to be cool, you need to try your best, you need to be yourself and don't do anything your heart says not to do. Listen to your heart and gut. okay" I say smiling
"what?" a girl asks
"yes?" I ask
"what do you mean to be cool? Your parents have to be cool so you're cool" she says rolling her eyes as if I were a dumbass
"actually no. that is not true. Everyone is cool or cruel. Your parents are cool to you, but are they cool to everyone else?" I exclaim and they all think for a moment
"dont be a bully" i finish before taking Lacy to the door
"by the way, Lacy is cool, no matter what. She doesn't need you letting her down just because you don't understand the way she is." I end walking away with Lacy in my arms.

I decided to go to the ice-cream parlour, ICE PALACE, its called. Its got the best ice-cream.
We had it at the park, Lacy ended up playing with a dog named Budd. She was inlove with it. Made me think, Lacy's birthday is a day before mine, so we celebrate together. I'm going to get her a puppy as long as the maids allow it.
I look up at Lacy to see shes running, her heart beating fast and I could see a light coming from her chest, absorbing the darkness.
"Please come here Lacy" I say smiling as she runs to me smiling.
"How are you feeling?" i ask
"im trying to catch my breath" she says inhaling deeply. i just nod. Seeing the light from beneath her shirt, grow brighter. I took Lacy's hand in mine and was able to see an x-ray version of her, a blue-ish light filling her lungs.
"oh no" i whisper before picking her up and rushing to the hospital.

"no no no no no" i whisper to myself and she looked at me as if i were crazy.
Maybe i am, but this is not happening;
"not again" I keep whispering.




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