11. Befriend a killer

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The contemplation swirling through her brain, raked every possible outcome for what was going to happen. She wanted to skinny dip, not in the ocean, far from there actually. Maybe 'Logan's lagoon'. It was a lagoon that was founded by a guy named Logan, obviously, he fixed it up a bit before -moving rocks out of it and making a path towards the entrance- the water was a bright glowing blue and the deeper it was the darker the shade. It was just beautiful. The natural waterfall flowing into the lagoon and the bright-vibrant crystal-like rocks shone as bright as ones genuine smile.

She drove to Logan's lagoon, half an hour away. She sat in her car thinking- off into space of contemplation. Nobody would actually drive all the way out here at night. it was bound by the forest, as well as the ocean. when king tide was to arouse at exactly 6:40pm, the lagoon would have bubble-like jets arise as if the ocean and lagoon had a connection. the moon would shine upon it, making it sparkle to its full content. It really was a lovely place and you would only venture this far to get away for some reason. But then again you would have to be crazy to walk all the way out there. So, she thought she must be crazy then. hearing the rumours pondering past her ears about there being a serial killer lurking the forest, whistling every time someone walked past him as they made their way to the lagoon. He had to wear a mask to hide his god-like features, he wore a cloak to hide his ripped muscles and obviously-he lived in the forest, atop of the rock cave leading to the lagoon.

Carmen hated the rumours spreading about the killer, there obviously had to be a reason to why he does it. She would soon find out though.

She clasped her hands together and walked to the lagoon, keeping her head down until the moon caught her attention. The eye-catching orb sitting in the sky. Her bag straps swaying in the wind.
She made her way to the lagoon and looked around for anyone, The killer was watching her every move. She took off her shirt and draped it over a rock before taking her pants off. Standing in her undergarments, she sighed and decided not to skinny dip, but to just swim about the lagoon-listening to music.

His eyes glued to her figure as if he were to blink and she would disappear. He pondered trying to kill her or not. He decided to scare her instead so he doesn't change his mind. He looked over the rock cave roof with the opening wide enough to throw an elephant through, he dropped a pebble down slowly watching it fall into the water below. the sudden noise made Carmen jump a bit, her eyes on high alert, heart beating furiously but her facial expression was as if you were boring her.
"hello?" she whispered. looking around the roof she didn't expect someone to be looking at her. It scared the hell out of her and she swam to the side, trying to get out as fast as possible. The man jumped through the roof of the cave, landing perfectly in front of her- the sand settling between her toes, soon to smother her feet as his shoes landed in front of her.

his smirk was evident through his mask and he felt the heartbeat of his next victim as he ponders on her death. She was scared. She didn't like getting freaked out, but yet again, she was curious. So curious that it took over her fear.

"hello" she stuck her hand out before shivering as the wind clamped to her dripping wet stomach.
"hello" he says with a raspy voice making Carmen's eyes widen a bit at how his voice made her heart speed. Exaggeration was in her mind as her heart was at an accelerating rate.

"what brings you here?" she asks curiously, as she started to swipe her hands down her stomach as the wind picks up.
"i live here" he says gritting his teeth. He didn't like the way she was not terrified of him.
"that's good. you must be the 'killer" she exclaims with air quotations.
"you are correct" he smiles with a glint of craziness in his eye.
"well that's good. I am Carmen and what is yours?" Carmen asks smiling brightly.
"Logan" he smirks. She clicks that its his lagoon.
"is this place yours?" she asks in disbelief
"it was my fathers, passed down to me. now you're on my territory." he says getting closer. She hears one of her favourite songs in the background. Carmen takes a step closer to him and grabs his hand. She never realised how tall he was, she knew she was tall but compared to him, the top of her head reached his ear. Logan was hesitant and stiffened when she made contact with him.
She made him put a hand on her waist as she put hers on his shoulder. Forcefully making him sway. She hums to the music as his heart races and the comfort was amazing. the first time in 7 years that he felt safe in her arms. She felt as if the world was non-existent with him around.

The music suddenly stopped making their heads snap up to see Lucas staring at Logan with fire twirling around his aura.

"Get away from her!" Lucas yelled making Logan hold Carmen tightly.
"why?" Logan asks smirking.
"you're a killer! Let her go or ill call the police. They know where you live; one-thirty seven apel drive" Lucas shouts.
"why do you think he is a killer?" Carmen suddenly said, startling the both of them.
"He has killed a lot of people. In this area" Lucas says
"Yes, but-" Carmen is cut off by Lucas;
"come on" he goes to reach her hand and she steps back.
"what are you doing?" he asks
"stepping back" She replies sarcastically
"okay, first; its not okay to be sarcastic and second; come on" he says
"no. Go back to your home and let me be" She mutters
"why?!" he screams
"because, he is my friend and he will never hurt me!" Carmen randomly shouts. She did indeed want to befriend the killer and Lucas was in the way of that. She knew it was too early to be friends with a killer but what Carmen didn't know was that Logan was happy he finally had a friend.

"fine" Lucas says grabbing a knife from his back pocket and throwing it towards Logan.
"NOOO--" Carmen starts before a pang of something goes through her. The adrenaline kicking in...

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