15. He flew

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The two sat on a peer, dangling their legs over a lake. Watching as the sun shines brightly. They loved it this way.
He was finally able to open up to someone
And she finally found someone that will not judge.
They soon fell asleep in eachothers arms only to be awoken up by tiny droplets falling onto their skin.
Carmen bolted up and started shaking Logan awake. He soon awoke and they started running to the shade, laughing.
Logan wanted to see how much she would care about him, so he took her to a cliff and looked down. Earlier that day, he wrapped rope around a rock further down the cliff, so he's able to grab a hold of it. When he falls.
Carmen watches skeptically.
"How much do you love me?" He asks. He confessed a week back about how much she loved her. As did she to him.
"Way too much" she chuckled out.
"Well what would you do if I jumped off here" he says
She started laughing until she saw the look on his face. Upset.
"I would die." She says seriously.
He took a leap back and fell, quickly grabbing the rope. She didn't even notice what he did but she jumped after him. He watched her, he watched her fall. He felt so stupid for trying that. He watched her land. He heard the cracking of bones. He used the rope and jumped down to her.
Tears streaming down his face. Everything was quiet as he held her to him. Until, a sound was heard. The tone of her phone.
He pulled it out, amazed that it didn't break. Well, the screen has a few cracks in it. But it was perfectly fine.
Lacy. Lacy was calling.
"Yes?" He sobbed out.
"Where's Carmen? I wanna tell her that I'm okay" She asks
"She's. Gone" he says crying out louder.
"What?" She asks.
"I have to go" he says.
He ended the call. Quickly dialing the police.
No less than 5 minutes and they had arrived. He was barely breathing and all they did was peel him off her and take him to the side of the road. 
He had to explain everything. He told them that they were hanging by the cliff and she slipped.
After he had to go home, he instead travelled to Lacy.
They talked. She cried. But in the end. They realised, not all stories have happy endings.
So he stayed with Lacy, protecting her.
For 2 whole years. Until her cancer got so bad, that he too lost someone close to him, again.
That was when he flew.
He went skydiving one day.
Everyone was getting ready to jump out that they didn't pay attention to him. He ripped off his parachute and leaped. Every bone in his fragile body was smashed to pieces. Head first.
          He was gone.
                        He flew
                                 To be
                                   With her.

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